Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bernie Sanders tax deadbeat list

I paid mine, you paid yours and these folks paid none--thanks to tax loopholes and buddies among our fearless leaders: (list from Mother Jones)

1) ExxonMobil made $19 billion in profits in 2009. Exxon not only paid no federal income taxes, it actually received a $156 million rebate from the IRS, according to its SEC filings. [Note: Our post last April reported that ExxonMobil was owed $46 million by the IRS.]

2) Bank of America received a $1.9 billion tax refund from the IRS last year, although it made $4.4 billion in profits and received a bailout from the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department of nearly $1 trillion.

3) Over the past five years, while General Electric made $26 billion in profits in the United States, it received a $4.1 billion refund from the IRS.

4) Chevron received a $19 million refund from the IRS last year after it made $10 billion in profits in 2009.

5) Boeing, which received a $30 billion contract from the Pentagon to build 179 airborne tankers, got a $124 million refund from the IRS last year.

6) Valero Energy, the 25th largest company in America with $68 billion in sales last year received a $157 million tax refund check from the IRS and, over the past three years, it received a $134 million tax break from the oil and gas manufacturing tax deduction.

7) Goldman Sachs in 2008 only paid 1.1 percent of its income in taxes even though it earned a profit of $2.3 billion and received an almost $800 billion from the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury Department.

8) Citigroup last year made more than $4 billion in profits but paid no federal income taxes. It received a $2.5 trillion bailout from the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury.

9) ConocoPhillips, the fifth largest oil company in the United States, made $16 billion in profits from 2007 through 2009, but received $451 million in tax breaks through the oil and gas manufacturing deduction.

10) Over the past five years, Carnival Cruise Lines made more than $11 billion in profits, but its federal income tax rate during those years was just 1.1 percent.

an every year bailout in my estimation

Missouri House reworks Senate union legislation

Missouri House reworks Senate union legislation

click link

indeed, opposition to even this revised "bill" is in the works

from article

"A Senate bill vehemently opposed by the state's labor unions was overhauled by a Missouri House committee Tuesday, completely replacing it with another piece of legislation.

The bill, sponsored by state Sen. Jason Crowell, R-Cape Girardeau, would have prohibited public employee unions from withholding fees from paychecks. It passed the Senate earlier this month on a 26-8 vote.

Speaker Pro Tem Shane Schoeller, R-Willard, completely replaced the language in Crowell’s bill, which now would only require labor unions to receive written permission every year from members to use individual dues for political purposes.

“I spoke with Sen. Crowell last week, and he was fine with me handling this bill,” Schoeller said in an interview following Tuesday’s committee hearing. “The new bill reflects what the House is comfortable moving forward with.”

The bill now goes to the House Rules Committee.

Union leaders said they were pleased the committee had replaced Crowell’s language, but they still opposed the new bill.

call university missouri today

teabaggers using the "edited" film of a university of missouri labor class is calling for a phone protest. I suggest a counter protest
from tea party alert

Wednesday and Thursday

April 27 & 28

From 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Here’s how:
On Wednesday and Thursday, April 27 and 28 CALL, Write
1. Call the Chancellors of all three schools at the numbers listed below. Tell them you demand that they fire everyone responsible for these classes, and that they take positive steps to prevent criminal instruction in the system.

■Thomas F. George, Chancellor, University of Missouri-St. Louis 314-516-5252
■Leo Morton, Chancellor, University of Missouri-Kansas City 816-235-1101
■Brady J. Deaton , Chancellor, University of Missouri 573-882-3387
And the U of M Interim President, Steve Owens, (573) 882-2011
2. Call your Missouri State Senator and ask him or to demand a vote on SB1, a bill that would give Missouri workers the right to opt out of union membership. You can look up your Senator here.
3. Call Missouri House Speaker Steve Tilley at 573-751-1488. Tell Speaker Tilley you want SB1 voted on and passed, and you don’t care how many of his donors it irritates.
4. Call Governor Jay Nixon at Phone: (573) 751-3222

instead of protest, express support and expansion of labor extention courses

yes, melt those phones, overload the internet with pro-education support.

Barack Obama Sings "The Day ObamaCare Died"

nonsense on stilts I think is appropriate comment

although I do believe Obama health bill was very lame, it is still superior to what is being offered by gop and teabaggers, except for Vermont. Yes, Vermont is headed for single-payer and that is vastly superior to the majority of other plans

one question for dems where was your spine during the healthcare debates?

Tilley expresses redistricting frustration

yes, holding one's nose over the hillbilly redrawing maps in Missouri is well in order.

Goodbye Carnahan, I kinda liked you. Missouri unions will miss you.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Michele Bachmann and the Iowa Caucuses

Taliban Newt Gingrich

Paul Ryan Budget Rambo

As OSHA Turns Forty, A Look Forward | AFL-CIO NOW BLOG

As OSHA Turns Forty, A Look Forward | AFL-CIO NOW BLOG

click link

don't you get a black balloon at 40?

from article

AFL-CIO Media Outreach Fellow Nora Frederickson sends us this report on a discussion at the Center for American Progress on the future of Americans’ health and safety at work.

Since 1970, workers in every state have counted on workplace inspections, whistleblower protections, and standard safety regulations from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to keep them safe at work. Today, unions and their partners in business are expanding their roles in helping OSHA protect workers today, according to panelists at “OSHA at 40,” a discussion at the Center for American Progress on Thursday featuring David Michaels, Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health. In two separate panels, Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health David Michael laid out OSHA’s plans for the future and talked with representatives from the labor, business and academic communities about how to adapt safety regulation for the changing workplace.

Retired Steelworker Kenneth Kovack on Social Security

from last year and is just as true today.

Work 'Til We Die

Democrats on Social Security

from last year. seems dems need do this on medicare, medicaid and more.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

New Madrid Fault - Accelerarted By Gas Wells - Fracking ?

link between hydro-fracking and earthquakes need research. this is from earlier this year

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Republicans Voted to End Medicare: How Will You Pay?

I like this

The Stanford Center for the Study of Poverty and Inequality - 20 Facts About U.S. Inequality that Everyone Should Know

The Stanford Center for the Study of Poverty and Inequality - 20 Facts About U.S. Inequality that Everyone Should Know

click link

note: as soar 11-3 ages, more and more of our members will face real poverty. Time to start standing up and demanding some fairness in our society. after all, we paid our dues in full; overpayed in some areas.

I for one am tired of hearing that tighten belt nonsense, hell what they are proposing I will have to boil and eat the belt

Taxpayer Protest Downtown Against Bank Of America

Taxpayer Protest Downtown Against Bank Of America

cick link

from Fox news blog: "Downtown St. Louis, Mo. (— Liberal activists marched on a downtown Bank of America branch Monday, calling the mega bank "A Tax Deadbeat". They used tax filing day to highlight objections against corporations like Bank of America, which recorded an almost $4 billion profit in the 2009 tax year, but received a $1.9 billion federal tax refund. About two dozen activists gathered at the Bank of America offices near the corner of Broadway and Pine downtown. The noisy crowd, watched by half a dozen St. Louis police officers and an equal number of Bank of America security personnel, listened to speeches blasting the bank, and then left. But one local public policy analyst says the demonstration highlighted just one symptom of a federal tax code he says favors corporations and the wealthy. "This is a highly complex tax system that ends up providing the most benefits to a high income constituency and corporations," said Robert Kropf, Dean of the School of Public Policy Studies at St. Louis University. "They know how to take advantage of deductions and tax breaks and loopholes. The end result is that they do not end up paying their fair share of federal income taxes."
I was at the rally in Kiener Park. group marched and I stayed. so many businesses downtown that pay little or no taxes. however, many pay to political action groups

Monday, April 18, 2011

Rep. Todd Akin on Budget, Senate intent

glad you wish to stick it to the seniors. seems I will find other places to spend money in Missouri than your St. charles area in Missouri.

yes, you gop do intend to steal monies from seniors

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

101 Damnations: Missouri lawmakers choose politics over puppies. Veto the bill

101 Damnations: Missouri lawmakers choose politics over puppies. Veto the bill

click link

Governor of Missouri: Post editorial staff and this humble one has this to say: veto this overturn of the voters by conservative and teabag Missouri leglislature. If the hillbillies wish to abuse their animals, let them relocate to another state.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

URGENT jobs with justice call to protect health care--opposition to Ryan cuts

To reply, forward or delete this message, please close this window and use the corresponding buttons above the message list

From: "Missouri Jobs with Justice"

Date: 04/14/2011 10:23:44 EDT
Subject: Urgent Action: Tell Congress to Protect Health Care for Workers and Retirees

Urgent Action: Tell Congress to Protect Health Care for Workers and Retirees

Take action Now!

Call 1-866-922-4970 and tell YOUR US Representative: "I oppose Ryan's budget proposal. We can't balance the budget at the expense of retirees, working families, children, and the communities they live in.

Attacks on workers are just gearing up in the Federal Budget struggle. House Budget Chair Paul Ryan wants to balance the budget by gutting health care funding and other services for working families and retirees.

Ryan, a Republican from Wisconsin, proposes to trim more than a trillion dollars from Medicaid, Medicare, and subsidies in the Affordable Care Act that will give working families an opportunity to purchase affordable insurance. Each of these budget cuts leads to more jobs lost here in Missouri!

While Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps and a host of domestic spending programs that create jobs are deeply cut, tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans are not on the table.

Its time to tell the US House of Representatives to stop cutting funding for health care, working families, and retirees.

Take action now!

The first vote on the proposed FY2012 federal budget can happen any time. So it's important for you to call your US Representative right now! Tell your Representative:

"I strongly oppose Congressman Ryan's budget proposal. I urge you to vote against Congressman Ryan's budget proposal. It's time to stand up for working families and retirees in the budget. I am opposed to the proposed Medicaid and Medicare cuts that will hurt retirees, working families and children. We can't balance the budget by destroying our communities."

Use this toll freee number: 1-866-922-4970

Call NOW! Fight Back!


Fore more information, contact Jobs with Justice Health Care Organizer Amy Smoucha: or 314-608-3917.

Thom Hartmann: Conservatives Corrupt Social Network

internet dirty tactics to restrict information from the right wing

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Budget Deal Cuts Target EPA and Homeland Security, Spares Education

forgot this one from previous post on budget cut

comments of the budget deal and cuts

I need a stiff drink after watching these this evening. Amazing that the president and senate went along with the house madness.

Do the democrats realize that it is the working and poor that is their major base? Wall street funds both sides, but the bulk goes to the GOP


Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy


Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy



Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy


Campaign for Better Care: Make a Difference

Campaign for Better Care: Make a Difference

click link

I feel a lot safer airline security lack of sanity

this is what is making America safer? I imagine bin Laden quaking at this vid (from laughter at fools)

they at least did not do a body cavity search, at least on film. - News : Deal poses problems for all sides - News : Deal poses problems for all sides

click link

problems going forward: cuts social security, medicaid, medicare, more education and more. I suspect most of the left and middle will oppose these proposed cuts. I most certainly will as will those in Soar 11-3 in St. Louis.

At the last soar meeting, folks not too happy with cuts; not happy at all. cutting education funding for instance was not popular.

paying attention Mr. Obama and Ms Claire? do not rely on folks voting for you as the lessor of two evils.

disaster in Japan continues


everyone working or retired from Canco knows a bit about toxins in the workplace and at home. cancer rates at these facilities were never kept track, but extremely high.



Monday, April 11, 2011

The Revolting Glenn Beck! His Farewell Song!

hope the fans like this one

cell phone tax proposal in Missouri

You are viewing the print version of this article. Click here to view the full version.Columbia Missourian

State lawmakers consider 75-cent monthly cellphone tax
By WES DUPLANTIER/The Associated Press
April 9, 2011 | 5:19 p.m. CDT

JEFFERSON CITY — A measure pending before a House committee would let cities and counties add a charge of up to 75 cents to cellphone users' monthly bills to pay for local 911 call-center operations, if local voters approve.

Emergency dispatch officials say increasing numbers of cellphone users are burdening their dispatch systems — without paying for the systems' upkeep. Those centers have been funded by a tax on landlines, but as more people transition to cellphones, the incoming tax revenue has fallen steadily.

"Funding (dispatch centers) with landline taxes has put our 911 system at risk," said sponsoring Rep. Ed Schieffer, D-Troy.

Current law allows local governments to charge a monthly tax on landlines of up to 75 cents, or 15 percent of a local tariff set by the state Public Service Commission. If the local landline tax is below those limits, the law allows local governments to put a landline tax increase before the voters.

But St. Charles County Councilman Jerry Daugherty told the House panel this past week that such a move would only be a short-term fix for a larger problem, because it increases taxes on a type of service consumers are steadily abandoning.

"It still doesn't address funding from wireless in the state of Missouri, which is basically going on a free ride," he said.

Missouri is the only state without a statewide fee or tax for wireless 911 service. Statewide voters have twice rejected ballot measures to raise taxes for 911 service, most recently in 2002.

Margie Harrell, the emergency dispatch supervisor for Lincoln County, said a local fee on cellphones would allow her agency to take less from the county's budget. She said the dispatch agency operates on a "skeleton" budget of about $1.1 million annually. Fees from landline phones and the 16 emergency units served by the center total about $600,000, with the rest coming out of the county's general budget, Harrell said.

But, she said, if each of the county's 17,841 households owned two cellphones and the county were able to levy the maximum 75-cent per month tax on them, the tax would bring in about $321,000. That means the agency would only need about one-third of the general county funds that it does now.

"This wouldn't solve our problem with money coming out of general revenue," Harrell said. "But it would certainly help."

Cellphone companies say they support funding the 911 system, but they say it would be difficult to collect the tax on a county-by-county basis.

U.S. Cellular lobbyist Daryl Duwe told the House panel that voters should enact the tax at the state level, rather than in each county.

He said that tax should be collected by the state Department of Revenue and used to fund 911 service equally in all of the state's counties, including those that currently do not have a large enough tax base to support even a landline tax.

"In order for Missouri to go from what is, frankly, one of the worst 911 systems in the country to the best, you've got to have a statewide fee so that our customers can call 911 and receive help anywhere," Duwe said.

Committee member Rep. Vicki Schneider, R-O'Fallon, also said that because counties would be able to set their rate at any cost below 75 cents, consumers would simply register their cellphones in towns or counties with the lowest taxes, leaving some jurisdictions without any additional revenue from cellphone callers.

Schieffer said he thought local votes would be more effective than a statewide vote, because leadership in the Republican-controlled House has largely ruled out new taxes during the economic downturn.

"We thought it had its best chance on a county-by-county basis," Schieffer said. "

Schieffer said he thinks taxpayers would see the value of the monthly tax, even if voters in their city or county choose to enact the highest levy possible.

"Hopefully, you never need it," he said. "But hopefully everyone recognizes that if you need it one time in your life, 75 cents a month would seem very, very economical."

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Why the Right-Wing Bullies Will Hold The Nation Hostage Again and Again | Common Dreams

Why the Right-Wing Bullies Will Hold The Nation Hostage Again and Again | Common Dreams

click link

snip from article and guy has a valid point

In a few weeks the debt ceiling has to be raised. After that, next year’s budget has to be decided on. House Budget Chair Paul Ryan has already put forward proposals to turn Medicare into vouchers that funnel money to private insurance companies, turn Medicaid and Food Stamps into block grants that give states discretion to shift them to the non-poor, and give even more big tax cuts to the rich.

There will also be Republican votes to de-fund the new health care law.

“Americans of different beliefs came together,” he announced late last night. It was the “largest spending cut in our history.” He sounded triumphant. In fact, he’s encouraging the bullies onward.

All the while, he and the Democratic leadership in Congress refuse to refute the Republicans’ big lie — that spending cuts will lead to more jobs. In fact, spending cuts now will lead to fewer jobs. They’ll slow down an already-anemic recovery. That will cause immense and unnecessary suffering for millions of Americans.

Leading Health Advocates Decry GOP Plan to Privatize Medicare, Gut Medic...

suggest everyone watch their wallets. who knows what the sellout dems will do?

teabag pubs are consistant. get sick and die quick for the good of the budget

No Shutdown, But a Lot of Sellouts | Common Dreams

No Shutdown, But a Lot of Sellouts | Common Dreams

click link

snip from article

So who won the standoff? President Obama says the deal is good for the future, and that might make some Democrats think that he and the Democrats prevailed.

They didn't.

The one-week spending bill enacted by the House and Senate contains $2 billion in spending cuts to transportation, housing and community development programs.

A Senate Appropriations Committee review says that most of the $2 billion in cuts contained in the one-week bill come from a $1.5 billion slashing of the Federal Railroad Administration's High Speed and Intercity Passenger Rail program. More cuts are achieved by hacking $220 million from the Department of Housing and Urban Development's Community Development Fund. And research into making air travel safer and more efficient took cuts as well.

In other words, precsiely the sort of programs that Democrats used to defend were slashed.

The Senate agreed to the one-week plan by unanimous consent.

Seventy House members opposed the bill. Of those 70 "no" votes, 42 came from Democrats

I agree, many dem sellouts. do dems really think to regain territory by being cowards or worse? Did they not get the message last year when many in the base stayed home or voted otherwise?

I certainly would not wish Obama or many senators to negoatiate contracts for me.

Friday, April 8, 2011

RT @KeepItMadeinUSA: Congressman Mike Michaud on U.S. Manufacturing & China’s Currency Manipulation: “A national manufacturing strategy makes sense"

RT @KeepItMadeinUSA: Congressman Mike Michaud on U.S. Manufacturing & China’s Currency Manipulation: “A national manufacturing strategy makes sense"

click link

this bill makes too much sense. maybe some of our fearless leaders in DC will see the light on this issue

text of antiworker bill--sb202--Missouri

[P E R F E C T E D]



Offered April 6, 2011.
Senate Substitute adopted, April 6, 2011.
Taken up for Perfection April 6, 2011. Bill declared Perfected and Ordered Printed, as amended.
TERRY L. SPIELER, Secretary.



To amend chapter 105, RSMo, by adding thereto one new section relating to labor
organizations, with a referendum clause.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Missouri, as follows:

Section A. Chapter 105, RSMo, is amended by adding thereto one new
2 section, to be known as section 105.504, to read as follows:

105.504. 1. No sum shall be withheld from the earnings of any
2 public employee for the purposes of paying any portion of dues, agency
3 shop fees, or any other fees paid by members of a public labor
4 organization, or individuals who are not members.
5 2. No public labor organization shall use or obtain any portion
6 of dues, agency shop fees, or any other fees paid by members of the
7 labor organization, or individuals who are not members, to make
8 contributions or expenditures as defined in section 130.011, except
9 upon the written authorization of the member, or individual who is not
10 a member, received within the previous twelve months on a form
11 described by subsection 4 of this section signed by the member or
12 nonmember and an officer of the union.

13 3. The authorization referred to in subsection 3 of this section
14 shall be made on the following form, the sole purpose of which is the
15 documentation of such authorization. The form's title shall read, in at
16 least twenty-four point bold type, "Consent for Political Use of

SS SB 202 2

17 Dues/Fees" and shall state in at least fourteen point bold type, the
18 following specific text:
19 "Signing this form authorizes your union to use the amount of
20 $................ from each of your dues or agency shop fee payments during

21 the next twelve months as a political contribution or expenditure. G
22 "Signing this form requests your union to make a deduction of

23 $................ from each of your dues or agency shop fee payments during
24 the next twelve months as a political contribution to the (name of the
25 committee). G
26 Check applicable box.

27 You are not obligated to sign this authorization. Your signature below
28 is completely voluntary and cannot in any way affect your
29 employment."

30 4. Any public employee labor organization that uses any portion
31 of dues, agency shop fees, or other fees to make contributions or
32 expenditures under subsection 3 of this section shall maintain records
33 that include a copy of each authorization obtained under subsection 4
34 of this section, the amounts and dates funds were actually withheld, the
35 amounts and dates funds were transferred to a committee as defined in
36 section 130.011, and the committee to which the funds were
37 transferred. Records maintained under this subsection shall not
38 include the employee's home address or telephone number.
39 5. Copies of all records maintained under subsection 5 of this
40 section shall be sent to the labor and industrial relations commission,
41 established under section 286.005.
42 6. Individuals who do not authorize contributions or
43 expenditures under subsection 3 of this section may not have their
44 dues, agency shop fees, or other fees increased in lieu of contribution
45 or expenditure.
46 7. The requirements of this section may not be waived by the
47 member or individual and waiver of the requirements shall not be made
48 a condition of employment or continued employment.
49 8. Signing or refraining from signing the authorizations referred
50 to in subsection 4 of this section shall not be made a condition of
51 employment or continued employment.

SS SB 202 3

52 9. For the purposes of this section "agency shop" means an
53 arrangement that requires an employee, as a condition of continued
54 employment, either to join the recognized employee organization, or to
55 pay the organization a service fee.
56 10. For the purposes of this section, "public labor organization"
57 includes any organization which exists and is constituted for the
58 purpose, in whole or in part, of collective bargaining or dealing with
59 public employers concerning grievances, terms, or conditions of
60 employment, or of other mutual aid or protection.
Section B. This act is hereby submitted to the qualified voters of this state
2 for approval or rejection at an election which is hereby ordered and which shall
3 be held and conducted on Tuesday next following the first Monday in August,
4 2012, pursuant to the laws and constitutional provisions of this state for the
5 submission of referendum measures by the general assembly, and this act shall
6 become effective when approved by a majority of the votes cast thereon at such
7 election and not otherwise.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Herman Cain: "Stupid People Are Ruining America"

amusing alas, too much spin. - News : A not-so sweet 16 - News : A not-so sweet 16


I have mixed views on this issue. some younger drivers quite responsible. some folks in our area need transportation and if one relies on bi-state, better have a good pair of walking shoes.

calling the St. Louis area mass transist "metrolink" is a joke. We had better transportation in the St. Louis area when the street cars ran

Monday, April 4, 2011

Unions mark MLK's death with national protests

Unions mark MLK's death with national protests

click link

Martin l King national demonstrations nationally

there were also rallys in saint louis, Jefferson city and other Missouri/Illinois locations under the 'we are one' banners