Tuesday, January 31, 2012

01-31-12 2 - Florida Primaries, with Alan Grayson - Countdown with Keith...

01-31-12 4 - Florida Primaries, with Craig Crawford - Countdown with Kei...

Paul Krugman: The austerity debacle

Paul Krugman: The austerity debacle

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Last week the National Institute of Economic and Social Research, a British think tank, released a startling chart comparing the current slump with past recessions and recoveries. It turns out that by one important measure — changes in real GDP since the recession began — Britain is doing worse this time than it did during the Great Depression. Four years into the Depression, British GDP had regained its previous peak; four years after the Great Recession began, Britain is nowhere close to regaining its lost ground.

Nor is Britain unique. Italy also is doing worse than it did in the 1930s — and with Spain clearly headed for a double-dip recession, that makes three of Europe's big five economies members of the worse-than club. Yes, there are some caveats and complications. But this nonetheless represents a stunning failure of policy.

And it's a failure, in particular, of the austerity doctrine that has dominated elite policy discussion both in Europe and, to a large extent, in the United States for the past two years.

OK, about those caveats: On one side, British unemployment was much higher in the 1930s than it is now, because the British economy was depressed — mainly thanks to an ill-advised return to the gold standard — even before the Depression struck. On the other side, Britain had a notably mild Depression compared with the United States.

Read more: http://www.stltoday.com/news/opinion/columns/paul-krugman/paul-krugman-the-austerity-debacle/article_db34aa0a-effc-5ecb-86e1-8e9ac21ca9d5.html#ixzz1l3aoQqow

Why Geezers Are the True Enemy of Occupy Wall Street


class warfare?

ed show obama gop

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Monday, January 30, 2012

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Editorial: New health care law starts to pay dividends

Editorial: New health care law starts to pay dividends

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Home / News / Opinion / Editorial Columns / The Platform

Editorial: New health care law starts to pay dividends
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By the Editorial Board | Posted: Thursday, January 26, 2012 12:00 am | (35) Comments

The legal bees may be busy at the U.S. Supreme Court preparing for March's oral arguments over the legality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, but there's no question that health care reform so far has been good for the major players of the health care industry.

Notwithstanding a fourth quarter that was less profitable than expected, health insurer WellPoint Inc. said Tuesday that it netted about $2.6 billion in 2011, the first full year since the ACA became law.

A week earlier, UnitedHealth Group Inc., the nation's largest health insurance provider, said it took in more than $100 billion in 2011 and had more than $5.1 billion left in net income.

As the justices assess the ACA's compatibility with the commerce clause of the Constitution, they should note how well the private sector has adapted to the law. They also should credit ordinary Americans' embrace of elements of the law that have been phased in and discount the distortions of ideological zealots at the fringes.

Among the provisions now in effect:

• A prohibition on denying coverage to children based on preexisting medical conditions. The ban becomes applicable to adults in 2014.

• The elimination of lifetime dollar limits on benefits and gradual restrictions on annual limits for some essential services.

• Young adults up to age 26 can be covered under their parents' insurance policies.

• Increased payments to medical professionals in underserved rural communities.

• Grants to help individual states prevent excessive, unjustified premium increases by insurance companies.

• Expanded coverage of preventive services, including the elimination of co-pays and deductibles.

• The gradual elimination of the so-called doughnut-hole gap in coverage for prescription drugs for seniors.

• Requiring insurance companies to spend 80 to 85 percent of premiums on actual medical benefits, with rebates to consumers if the targets are not met.

This year will see the phasing in of provisions aimed at improving the quality of care people receive. Some elements of the law, for example, provide incentives to expand successful pilot programs that have reduced harm to patients and reduced costs by reducing easily avoided medical mistakes.

Another major thrust of the ACA for 2012 is to identify the most effective treatments and medications for a variety of illnesses and conditions and then develop procedures to ensure that that's what patients receive.

Ineffective treatments don't make sick people better, they just raise costs. The ACA created the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute — an independent, non-profit research organization — to spearhead the effort to develop hard scientific data on what works and what doesn't.

Earlier this week, the institute released a draft plan for choosing research proposals and asked for public comment.

Read more: http://www.stltoday.com/news/opinion/columns/the-platform/editorial-new-health-care-law-starts-to-pay-dividends/article_79a715a5-d8af-5490-8105-4388f8bc77b1.html#ixzz1krXgkaY2


too little, too late for tens of thousands that did not make it alive. this is not universal healthcare, it is a joke in poor taste


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Friday, January 27, 2012

Obama College Plan - Good or Bad?

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Winning Our Future | Blood Money [FULL]

Mittbucks.com | How do you measure up?

Mittbucks.com | How do you measure up?:

'via Blog this'

click link to compare your wealth with Mitt's

Soros on Deflationary Debt Spiral Due To Austerity In Europe

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Tax The Rich! Bill Gates, Warren Buffett Agree

Missouri QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

Missouri QuickFacts from the US Census Bureau

click link for full charts, data

The welfare state is destroying America | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

The welfare state is destroying America | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner:

'via Blog this'

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President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act into law on Aug. 14, 1935, laying what he described as a "cornerstone" of the modern welfare state.

At the time, Roosevelt claimed that the sweeping program would, "act as a protection to future administrations against the necessity of going deeply into debt to furnish relief to the needy."

He was right about the "cornerstone" part, as both parties built on the program in the decades that followed. In 1965, President Lyndon Johnson brought us Medicare and Medicaid.

In 2003, President George W. Bush and a Republican Congress added prescription drug coverage for seniors. And just last year, President Obama pushed a national health care law through Congress.

But Roosevelt was dead wrong that the program would help the nation avoid deep debt. Social Security and the entitlement programs that followed its legacy of seeking to protect citizens from the "hazards and vicissitudes of life," turned out to be fiscal disasters.

With health care costs rising and the population aging, America's welfare-state obligations are bringing the country to its financial knees. If left unchecked, the growing debt burden will not only trigger runaway inflation and stifling taxes, but it will also threaten national security.

comment: right wing horsepucky and a pile of it at that

A Special Message From Fred Thompson welcome Newt

howdy Newt

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The American Future A History, by Simon Schama - e04 - 1080i HDTV H264 A...

good doc

worth reviewing before next November

The Rockefellers (Full)


saint louis gangs ross kemp

will withdraw if objections made

many of the retired canco folks know these neighborhoods, some used to live in those areas. after all, Continental (Crown-cork) was northside operation in St. Louis

toss up if these areas better today than when this doc made

01-21-12 10 - South Carolina Primaries, with Steve Kornacki - Countdown ...

minirust has whole thing on youtube. most of keith stufff on our sites comes from minirust's collection.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Jacology: Missouri Legislature Wasting Time

Peter Kinder on 97.1 FM

not fan of Dana. Dana is teabag darling

by the way, Kinder did stick it to the taxpayers.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

01-11-12 1a - Romney's Win, with Tim Dickinson - Countdown with Keith Ol...

Why Republicans Love WH Chief Of Staff Jack Lew

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"When Mitt Romney Came to Town" (Full Version - 28 Minutes)

Spending Bills Passed by GOP House Increased Debt $1T in 10 Months | CNSnews.com

Spending Bills Passed by GOP House Increased Debt $1T in 10 Months | CNSnews.com

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from article

CNSNews.com) - Federal spending bills approved by the Republican-controlled House of Representatives have increased the national debt by more than $1 trillion dollars in just 10 months.

Republicans won a majority in the U.S. House of Representatives in the November 2010 elections and took control of the House on Jan. 5, 2011, when the chamber convened and elected Rep. John Boehner (R.-Calif.) as speaker.

But the Republican-controlled House did not gain a veto power over federal spending until March 4, 2011. That was the expiration date of the continuing resolution (CR) that the lame-duck Democrat-controlled Congress approved in December 2010. After March 4, federal spending has been approved by legislation that needed to be approved in the Republican-controlled House.

Mitt Romney Super PAC Mastermind Revealed

It's raining Elbows from the Sky, and other missed TYT stories

ktrs gop debate Missouri yesterday

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one important fellow missing.

Romney victorious in New Hampshire

no real wonder here. thought Huntsman did better than I expected

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

wyden medicare

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sticking it to the old folks is not way to help dems.

Paul Krugman: An unlevel field

Paul Krugman: An unlevel field

click link above


Last month, President Barack Obama gave a speech invoking the spirit of Teddy Roosevelt on behalf of progressive ideals — and Republicans were not happy. Mitt Romney, in particular, insisted that where Roosevelt believed that "government should level the playing field to create equal opportunities," Obama believes that "government should create equal outcomes," and that we should have a society where "everyone receives the same or similar rewards, regardless of education, effort and willingness to take risk."

As many people were quick to point out, this portrait of the president as radical redistributionist was pure fiction. What hasn't been as widely noted, however, is that Romney's picture of himself as a believer in a level playing field is just as fictional. Where is the evidence that he or his party cares at all about equality of opportunity?

Let's talk for a minute about the actual state of the playing field.

Americans are much more likely than citizens of other nations to believe that they live in a meritocracy. But this self-image is a fantasy: As a report in The New York Times last week pointed out, America actually stands out as the advanced country in which it matters most who your parents were, the country in which those born on one of society's lower rungs have the least chance of climbing to the top or even to the middle.

Read more: http://www.stltoday.com/news/opinion/columns/paul-krugman/paul-krugman-an-unlevel-field/article_9534fd2f-5585-5cb8-9dbe-ca621991b50c.html#ixzz1j4Wz9gIX

Guest commentary: Were the judges too judicial?

Guest commentary: Were the judges too judicial?

click link above


Did the judges who were assigned under the Missouri Constitution to draw new districts for the state Senate and House of Representatives commit "political malpractice" by not taking politics into account? Were they too "judicial" for their own good?

Odd questions, to be sure, but the entire process is strange and leads to a fundamental question: Why judges?

The oddest irony is that judges — who have been criticized by some legislators for years for being too "political" in their judgments — are under attack for not being political enough.

Read more: http://www.stltoday.com/news/opinion/guest-commentary-were-the-judges-too-judicial/article_9c3eaf68-ec10-5d4e-bd8b-18b9126b6bad.html#ixzz1j4UsW9o4

Does Mitt Romney Care About Jobs or Just Making Money?

Ethanol Subsidies End...Sort Of

state subsidies still exist. Missouri kicks in a lot of the state budget for this program.

suspect Jefferson city will not change this welfare payment

White House COS Daley Resigns - Good News

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agree with Cenk

good news corporate suck unemployed

Russ Carnahan on HR 639 currency reform and fair trade act

January 9, 2012

Thank you for contacting me to share your support for H.R. 639, the Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act. I appreciate hearing from you and welcome the opportunity to respond.

As you know, H.R. 639 aims to mitigate the effects of currency manipulation by foreign countries. Specifically, the legislation empowers the Commerce Department to impose countervailing and anti-dumping duties if a foreign currency is found to have been undervalued or overvalued for an 18-month period. It may please you to know that I have cosponsored of this important legislation.

I share your concerns that the trade polices of foreign countries, especially China , harm American workers and businesses, particularly manufacturers. Since coming to Congress, I have supported several measures to remedy this situation. I have supported several bills in the Make It in America agenda, such as the Preventing Outsourcing Act and the U.S. Manufacturing Enhancement Act. Most recently, I rallied several of my colleagues from the Missouri congressional delegation to sign a letter urging the Obama Administration to swiftly address China 's evasion of anti-dumping and countervailing orders.

Given your interest in this issue, I want you to know that I have cosponsored the TRADE Act in each of the past two sessions of Congress. This legislation outlines a way forward to a new trade and globalization agenda that would benefit more Americans. Specifically, it would strengthen congressional authority in trade negotiations and ensure standards of fairness, economic growth, safety, labor, and human rights in agreements with foreign countries.

Establishing a fair system of currency valuation will assist American industries climb out of the recession and hire new workers. Americans should be confident that their hard work is not undermined by unfair trade practices of foreign countries.

Currently, H.R. 639 has been referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means. As a cosponsor of this bill, I will work with my colleagues to seek its passage. Please be assured I will continue to work to ensure that our trade laws are beneficial to American businesses.

I always appreciate hearing the views of constituents about issues facing Congress. Please feel free to contact my office if I can be of further assistance to you on this or any other matter of concern. I also hope you will find my website, carnahan.house.gov , a useful resource for keeping up with my work in Washington and the 3rd District of Missouri, and I welcome you to sign up for my e-newsletter at carnahan.house.gov/updates .


Russ Carnahan

Monday, January 9, 2012

Obama Fails On Minimum Wage Pledge

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Bain Capital : When Mitt Romney Came To Town

01-09-12 1a - Put The Blame On Bain, with Ken Vogel - Countdown with Kei...

epa and gop

Real Republicans on the EPA from Sierra Club National on Vimeo.

canco reunion 2012

Calling all St. Louis can makers from:

All past employees including steelworkers, machinists, lithographers,
electricians, office workers, supervisors, management, and their family
members are invited to attend. Mark your calendar now, and be sure to
tell all your past fellow workers that you see or hear from.

Sat. may 19th, 2012. 11 A.M. to Dusk

Where: Kircher Park, Pavilion # 2, Eureka, MO. at Highways 109 & I-44
What to bring: Your drinks, potluck item (homemade, or store bought to share, bring lawn chairs, & games (Horseshoes, washers, playing cards, Frisbee golf course available, etc.

Sandwiches will be provided & will be served at 12:00 noon

$1, 50-50 donation drawing at 2:00 P.M. (3 winners)

Directions: Kircher Park is located in Eureka just south of Interstate
Highway 44 on Williams Road on the south side of I-44. If going west
on I-44 from St. Louis, exit at State Route 109, turn left, go under I-44,
then go immediately back onto I-44 eastbound for about a quarter-
mile. Then exit I-44 at Williams Road (Exit 265). The park is on the
right at the bottom of the exit ramp. (Parking lot and street parking)

more info following

Be a HERO and Help STOP SOPA Now!! I'll tell you How! This Video that M...

law up in congress this year. both Missouri senators support this law

newt cartoon

Matt Lauer Interviews Newt Gingrich - Part II @ clee.co

Matt Lauer Interviews Newt Gingrich

some bad language

: Ann Wagner Opens Campaign Office

Reboot Congress: Ann Wagner Opens Campaign Office: Ann Wagner  is running against Tea Party conservative Ed Martin in Missouri's 2nd Congressional District. She begins speaking in the vi...

click link above for rest of story

some of the soar folks reside in 2nd Missouri district

"Nickel & Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America”: Barbara Ehrenreich on the Job Crisis & Wealth Gap

"Nickel & Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America”: Barbara Ehrenreich on the Job Crisis & Wealth Gap

click link

interesting book, worth reading

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Nickel and Dimed from The American Ruling Class!

"A LOT Of People In New Hampshire Really Continue To Feel ANYBODY BUT Mi...

BP Fish Oil Plus (puppet satire) - NaturalNews.tv

BP Fish Oil Plus (puppet satire) - NaturalNews.tv

Citizens United Backlash Grows from Cali. to NYC Urging Congress to Overturn Corporate Personhood

Citizens United Backlash Grows from Cali. to NYC Urging Congress to Overturn Corporate Personhood

click link


and a couple gop canidate fools wish to return

The Year in Crazy

Mitt as job creating genius

ask some steelworkers as well. seems Mitt made things more efficient by getting rid of thousands of jobs.

hell of a guy, hell of a record

New Hampshire Republican Debate: Mitt Romney Says Contraception Is "Work...

not a lot on debate as of yet. will post more when more available

sorry for any ads

New Hampshire Republican Debate: Ron Paul Spars With Newt Gingrich Over ...

letter from Sen Blunt on China policy reply to question

Thank you for your letter concerning China's economic and trade practices.

As you know, China's unwillingness to allow its currency to rise and fall alongside the dollar and other currencies has often resulted in challenges for U.S. manufacturers attempting to sell goods into the Chinese market. I agree that this practice has created distortions in global trade and may violate China's commitments under international trade agreements.

I believe that addressing trade disputes with China should be one of our nation's top trade-related priorities. I'm working closely with U.S. Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon on a bill (S. 1133) to address some Chinese companies' efforts to evade U.S. trade laws. International trade can only work for American workers if other countries play by the rules. I believe the U.S. must continue to monitor China for unacceptable business practices, including the manufacture and export of unsafe products, exploitative employment practices, and intellectual piracy. We need to work to ensure that China and other trading partners play by the rules to ensure American products can continue to compete with any other product in the world.

I'm concerned that S. 1619, the Currency Exchange Rate Oversight Reform Bill, is not the right approach to this problem. By taking this approach, the United States risks violating its own commitments under the World Trade Organization (WTO), making us guilty of the same accusation we are leveling against China. It also risks starting a trade war with China, which I believe could have dire consequences for American manufacturers, farmers, service providers, and consumers.

I have joined with my colleague, Senator Orin Hatch of Utah, in proposing an alternative solution to this challenge that is compliant with U.S. international agreements and attempts to solicit the help of other Western nations and international organizations to align China's currency with world markets. I will keep looking for ways to resolve this problem, which I fully understand is a serious challenge for our nation's manufacturers.

Agai n, thank you for contacting me. I look forward to continuing our conversation on Facebook ( www.facebook.com/SenatorBlunt ) and Twitter ( www.twitter.com/RoyBlunt ) about the important issues f acing Missouri and the country. I also encourage you to visit my website ( blunt.senate.gov ) to learn more about where I stand on the issues and sign-up for my e-newsletter .


topic will surface at next st. louis soar meeting next month.

thank you Mr. Blunt for answer. still awaiting Claire's reply.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Guest commentary: Why an I-70 toll is good public policy

Guest commentary: Why an I-70 toll is good public policy

click link for full

snip below

Think about the difference in the taxes that property owners pay to fund local parks and the entrance fee your family pays to visit Yellowstone National Park. That is the appropriate framework to begin discussing toll roads. Everyone in the community can access local parks so general taxes support their existence. A much smaller percentage of people visit Yellowstone each year, and those people support it with an admission fee. Interstate highways are like Yellowstone — admission fees (tolls) are the preferred means of funding.

The Missouri Department of Transportation has announced plans to make Interstate 70 a toll road to fund renovations. Let us make two assumptions: MoDOT will overcome any legal and political impediments to do this (not a safe assumption) and the renovations to I-70 are necessary (I think MoDOT is on safe ground here). With those assumptions set, the focus simply becomes: Is tolling I-70 a good public policy decision? I believe it is.

Read more: http://www.stltoday.com/news/opinion/guest-commentary-why-an-i--toll-is-good-public/article_571cec04-90d7-586e-b66c-5ddd5b333108.html#ixzz1iW6sEAxq

toll roads in Missouri is idiotic

raise the taxes and fix the damned mess. unlikely in Missouri given the fools in Jefferson city

Occupy The Rose Bowl - Octopus Float & Highlights


Occupy Rose Parade Protesters

Iowa Secret Counting of Votes? ~EVERYBODY HELP TO EXPOSE THIS FRAUD!~

Iowa Caucus Secret ballot count =U.S Dictatorship


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Obama Signs NDAA, ACLU Disgusted

indeed, folks would be shocked to know how much they slip in changes when none are watching.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

MIT TechTV – MIT Political Science Distinguished Speaker Series: Just Make It

MIT TechTV – MIT Political Science Distinguished Speaker Series: Just Make It

interesting lecture from MIT

Keiser Report: Outrageous Predictions for 2012 (E230)

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Predictions for 2012

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Cenk makes 2012 predictions

yes, great deal of unhappiness. one hopes this does not translate to many folks staying home and watching reruns of Gilligan's Island in November