American Can Plant 083 St. Louis, Missouri
above is video from news in St. Louis about the Granite City march. Both Ralph and I were participants (note, this is copyrighted by fox news and the intent is not to infringe upon copyright and I will withdraw if objections made)
March meeting will have guest. We will continue discussions of Employee Free Choice act, universal healthcare, the economy and more. We will talk about the march in Granite City and perhaps some upcomming events in the area where it might be desirable that we participate.
My thanks to those whom participated in the "President's Day" call and letter writing. It is important to remind our fearless leaders exactly what we voted for in November. Alas, some forget so soon if you know what I mean.
Our Farmington group signed group letter to Ms Emmerson about our support for Hr676 and request her participation in the discussion.