Tuesday, September 27, 2011

09-27-11 2 - Up Against The Wall, with Sam Seder - Countdown with Keith ...

09-27-11 5 - Worst Persons - Countdown with Keith Olbermann

Keith Olbermann: "Police brutality" at occupy wall street

Occupy Wall Street Protesters Maced / Pepper Sprayed by NYPD Police

media pretty much ignored wall street protests til now. of course, blatent police over use of force is good boost for press

S&P investigated for mortgage securities ratings | PRI.ORG

S&P investigated for mortgage securities ratings | PRI.ORG

click link

from story:


The decisions of one rating agency can cause a lot of economic volatility. But according to an exclusive piece from The New York Times Thursday morning, the Justice Department is opening an investigation into Standard & Poor's to see if the agency improperly rated dozens of mortgage securities leading up to the financial crisis.

The ratings being investigated came long before the downgrade of the U.S. credit rating, but the probe does raise new questions about the credibility of the nation's largest credit agency and their secretive rating process.

Louise Story, Wall Street and finance reporter for The New York Times, broke the story.

"What the [Department of Justic] is looking at is whether the ratings process had some kind of fraud or wrongdoing in which the ratings analysts got bossed around by the business people at S&P,' she told The Takeaway.

standard and poor sec info

standard and poor should be out of business--not for downgrading US credit; but housing mess

Dogged Daze

Fillin' In

Mitt Romney: Thanks for Supporting the American Jobs Act

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Romney and Perry go head to head on Social Security

don't worry?

Forbes Top 10 Richest People In the World 2011

from earlier this year. outsourcing works, ask these folks as you go thru the soupline

Forbes 400: The Richest 20 People In America

I know most of you are on the list

bailout worked, ask these folks

Paul Ryan "Townhall" Arrests

pretty standard gop rally. arrest anyone who disagrees with teabagger gets the boot and this rarely shows up on television.

ask mr Akin in Missouri, others

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011

Speaker Steven Tilley explains his opposition to the eco devo bill.wmv

be honest speaker: screw saint louis is the state house policy under your teabag times

Rodeo: The EPA Needs To Slow Down


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Highlights: Boulder

at youtube site,dozens of other vids on subject

Friday, September 16, 2011

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Monday, September 12, 2011

Tea Party Republican Debate Question #8: What Is Your Plan To Reduce Hea...

alas, they wish insurance companies to totally run the show. these companies will do their "usual" job, which means Americans pay twice the rate for healthcare than most of the rest of the world.

Rick Perry and Mitt Romney Go At It at CNN - Tea Party Debate

yes, these folks intend to take away social security. not the word "security"

GOP: Raise Taxes On Elderly, Disabled & Cut Corporate Rates

more Missouri teabag news. let's give more to corporations in this state

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Petropolis Trailer HD

urge folks to watch this one.

Tar Sands Oil Extraction - The Dirty Truth

some of this oil gets to wood river. remember the Jeff Rains pipe story?

Indian steel to pipe dirty oil with a real potential for disaster is how some folks feel

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Are cosmic rays causing global warming?

it does not matter some super force causing global warming, the question: is man and his activities causing things to get worse? It does indeed and science is conclusive.

How much damage and how soon is what our politicos must decide. Military has concluded a national security threat

Friday, September 9, 2011

Michele Bachmann Responds To Obama Jobs Speech - 9/8/11

I love you Michele

Is Obama's job act realistic?

Obama's job speech - pretty, pretty please

Russian tv sometimes does good job of news analysis

so does BBC. I listen to shortwave radio from time to time. alas, they put some of ours to shame

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The death of labor leader I. W. Abel

very sad. this appears to be the only vid on a great man on the internet.

gop roadto recovery doc

"Republican Road to Recovery" Budget Rebuttal

Rep. Todd Akin touts tea party credentials | The Columbia Daily Tribune - Columbia, Missouri

Rep. Todd Akin touts tea party credentials | The Columbia Daily Tribune - Columbia, Missouri

click link

Akin: Freedom's Solutions

Akin is fool. if you watched GOP debate last evening you would note the "buzz words" usage

one wonders about St. Charles and why old folks would keep reelecting a guy whom wished to do away with medicare and privatize social security. something in the water?

Ronald Regan raised taxes by the way Mr .Akin

AMAZING manifesto of Cynthia Davis

Central Committee Manifesto Final 1

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Countdown with Keith Olbermann 09-06-2011 5 - Worst Persons

Countdown with Keith Olbermann 09-06-2011 2 - Leader of the P.A.C., with...

James Hoffa appears on PRESS PASS (MSNBC)

The Century Of The Self-Full Length Documentary

most excellent series. youtube breaks this into four parts. all episodes in this posting

Advice to budget-cutters

Advice to budget-cutters

click link above for good editorial

Paul Krugman: Eric and Irene

Paul Krugman: Eric and Irene

click link above

from article

Have you left no sense of decency?" That's the question Joseph Welch famously asked Joseph McCarthy, as the red-baiting demagogue tried to ruin yet another innocent citizen. And these days, it's the question I find myself wanting to ask Eric Cantor, the House majority leader, who has done more than anyone else to make policy blackmail — using innocent Americans as hostages — standard operating procedure for the GOP.

A few weeks ago, Mr. Cantor was the hard man in the confrontation over the debt ceiling; he was willing to endanger America's financial credibility, putting our whole economy at risk, in order to extract budget concessions from President Obama. Now he's doing it again, this time over disaster relief, making headlines by insisting that any federal aid to the victims of Hurricane Irene be offset by cuts in other spending. In effect, he is threatening to take Irene's victims hostage.

Mr. Cantor's critics have been quick to accuse him of hypocrisy, and with good reason. After all, he and his Republican colleagues showed no comparable interest in paying for the Bush administration's huge unfunded initiatives. In particular, they did nothing to offset the cost of the Iraq war, which now stands at $800 billion and counting.

And it turns out that in 2004, when his home state of Virginia was struck by Tropical Storm Gaston, Mr. Cantor voted against a bill that would have required the same pay-as-you-go rule that he now advocates.

But, as I see it, hypocrisy is a secondary issue here. The primary issue should be the extraordinary nihilism now on display by Mr. Cantor and his colleagues — their willingness to flout all the usual conventions of fair play and, well, decency in order to get what they want.

Read more: http://www.stltoday.com/news/opinion/columns/paul-krugman/article_4fdbd7c1-4e28-59fd-9470-e6ba450129c7.html#ixzz1XB4EPTHS

Workers rally at St. Louis Labor Day parade amidst economic gloom

Workers rally at St. Louis Labor Day parade amidst economic gloom

click link above

from article

The parade comes on the heels of a federal report showing employers overall added no new jobs in August. The unemployment rate remains at 9.1 percent. This summer's partisan debate over the debt ceiling and the first-ever downgrade in the United States credit rating has the public losing faith in the government's ability to right the ship, some paradegoers said Monday.

"People are frustrated because both parties are at loggerheads in getting things done," said Marvin Kropp, president of Teamsters Joint Council 13. "No one wants to put their best foot forward."

Thousands of union members and their families came downtown for the parade, with this year's theme being "We are one" — a message that Congress and the White House should also take to heart, said Cornelia Lockhart-Levels, a Rockwood School District teacher who marched with the Missouri National Education Association.

Read more: http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/metro/article_bd68325b-c49e-5641-b00a-ac0bbd1afb6c.html#ixzz1XB3KY1hy

Oh, The Pain of The Believer: Barack’s Betrayals Offer Lessons We Can’t Deny | Common Dreams

Oh, The Pain of The Believer: Barack’s Betrayals Offer Lessons We Can’t Deny | Common Dreams

click link for full story

snip from article

He couldn’t dump his most passionate and issue-oriented followers fast enough.

While his backers were still hot to trot, he became cooler toward them, and, in effect, repudiated them with few progressive appointments. He put on his flag pin and relished the symbolism of the “office.” He became the master of the uplifting speech disguising a quite different policy agenda.

He spoke for the people but served the power. His wanted the other side to love him too, even as his stabs at “bi-partisanship” proved non-starters.

When you lie down with those “lambs,” (or is it snakes?) you betray not only supporters, but their hopes. FDR was soon spinning in his grave.

I am not surprised that knowledgeable critics of his economic policies not only consider him bull-headed and wrong, but actually corrupt, aligned and complicit, with the banksters who are still ripping us off. No wonder he’s "bundled” more donations from the greedsters and financiers this year than in 2008! No wonder he turned his back on consumer advocate Elizabeth Warren and is trying to kill prosecutions of bank fraud in high places.

Christopher Whalen who writes for Reuters say there will be a cost for his doing nothing: “The path of least resistance politically has been to temporize and talk. But by following the advice of Rubin and Summers, and avoiding tough decisions about banks and solvency, President Obama has only made the crisis more serious and steadily eroded public confidence. In political terms, Obama is morphing into Herbert Hoover.”

Yet, at the same time, many of us who now know how we have been used, will vote for him again, because, as he rightly calculates, there is no one else, and the alternative is even worse. Watch and weep as today’s rebels become next year’s rationalizers.

It reminds me of when activists were asked to vote for Lyndon Johnson in 1964 with the slogan “Part of the Way with LBJ.” That way ended with an endless escalation of war in Vietnam, and guns trumping butter. Sound familiar?