Thursday, December 1, 2016

Strained by Katrina, a Hospital Faced Deadly Choices -

Strained by Katrina, a Hospital Faced Deadly Choices -

click link

story pulled from our blog receintly. seems some for profit hospitals do not wish to be mentioned
by the way, part of that chain is in st. louis area  pulled article "can doctors legally kill" and the answer
is yes, under some conditions.  just as managers can kill workers, health insurance folks and more;
they can all kill

Standing Rock Drone Footage Looks Bad, So Government Bans It

Rule 41 Lets FBI Spread Spyware Across The Country

Trump Treasury Pick Foreclosed On 90 Year-Old Woman

Chapter 10 Corporations Are Not People (American Autumn clip)

Paul Krugman: Give Up On Opposing Trade Deals

You’re A Mean One, Mr. Trump (Grinch Parody)

CIA Director Brennan: 'Trump must be wary of Russian promises'- BBC News

'Take a look at Trump... is he anti-establishment?' - Noam Chomsky to RT

Now “Government-Backed Attackers” Are Coming for Me?

Despite US Propaganda, Fidel Castro Beloved Worldwide

bad languager note cuba has universal healthcare

Friday, November 25, 2016

Sunday, November 20, 2016

It's The Hottest Year Ever. Again. And Again...

Donald Trump Prepares Cold Open - SNL

Thank You for Completing the Tea Party Journey gloating over election

Thank You for Completing the Tea Party Journey: "
You've Completed the Journey
Thank you.

Last week, you helped elect a Tea Party President. Don't let anyone tell you Trump isn't the Tea Party's product. He is. Without the Tea Party--without you--Hillary Clinton would be getting ready to nominate Barrack Obama to the Supreme Court.

Without you, most of the 1st and 2nd Amendments would be on their way to the ash heap of history.

Without you, the American experiment would be about to end in surrender to putrid kleptocracy.

But you never folded, never whined, never ran away from the fight. Even though the Tea Party became less visible, we became more formidable.

In short, we won.

We still have the hard work of accountability, of course. The war isn't won, just the battle.

But that, my friends, was a crucial battle. While our win on November 8 does not assure final victory, a loss would have meant certain defeat. Defeat for everything we stood for. Defeat for the founding philosophy of America. Defeat for the idea of self-governance. Defeat for the rule of law. Defeat for Judeo-Christian civilization.

As I wrote last week, Trump's win completed the Tea Party. And, while we may not go away, we finally have an answer when asked, "what has the Tea Party accomplished?"

We can now say simply, "we've made America great again."

Thank you for being with us through every battle, from the steps of the Arch in February 2009 to Russ Carnahan's office parking lot to the front porch of SEIU. Those boiling hot nights of August 2009. Those depressing days of horrible Supreme Court decisions. That deflating evening in November 2012.

Finally, to bastardize a line from that great adopted-American Winston Churchill, if the American experiment lasts another thousand years, let them say the Tea Party saved the country.

Bill Hennessy

Monday, November 14, 2016

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

as I watch results of elections

dems taking a beating.


Bernie sanders would have won far more because the powers-that-be  misread the mood of the american people.  Many dems are candy-assed fighters.  You fight as dirty or dirtier than your opponents in such fights.  High road---my behind.

watch tomorrow and see how many union folks voted republician.  we did predict some defenctions to gop when bernie was screwed.

Democracy is More Fragile Than We Think | The Closer with Keith Olberman...

Pornstars Have A Special "Job" For You On Election Day

some bad language

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The Government Can Fix Drug Costs. Here's How. (w/ Prof. Mickey Davis)

Union-Made in America Halloween Candy Shopping List

Union-Made in America Halloween Candy Shopping List:

click link

something to keep in mind  part listing:

  • 5th Avenue
  • Abba-Zaba
  • Almond Roca
  • Baby Ruth
  • Big Hunk
  • Bit-O-Honey
  • Butterfinger
  • Cadbury
  • Candy House Buttons
  • Caramello
  • Clark Bar
  • Dum Dums
  • Ghirardelli Chocolate
  • Gimbal’s Fine Candies
  • Hershey’s Kisses
  • Hershey’s Hugs
  • Hershey’s Nuggets
  • Jawbreakers
  • Jelly Belly
  • Kit Kat
  • LOOK!
  • Mallo Cups
  • Mary Jane

BREAKING: Newt Gingrich UNLOADS on Megyn Kelly over Donald Trump: You ar...

The Normalization of Violence at Trump Rallies | The Closer with Keith O...

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

afl cio rally this saturday

Here are the details for Saturday’s event:
Rally and Canvass in St. LouisSaturday, Oct. 15, starting at 10 a.m.
SEIU Local 200
5585 Pershing Ave.
St. Louis, MO
Speakers will include: Tefere Gebre, AFL-CIO executive vice president; Association of Flight Attendants-CWA President Sara Nelson; and more!

Yellowstone River Oil Spill Montana Company's Long String of Disasters ...

Why Clean Coal Is A Myth

Saturday, October 8, 2016

‘These Things Are Coordinated’ : Michele Bachmann Suggests Damning Video...

Kremlin slams US accusations as "nonsense"

teaparty event prior to tomorrow's debate

Stop the Clinton Crime Family. March and Rally October 9 at 4pm

Join St. Louis Tea Party, including The Gateway Pundit, on a march and rally before the debate.

We'll muster at the Metro station on Forsyth near Wash U at 4:00 pm and march to the "free speech" area. (99% of America is now a "safe space." The government tells us where we may go to speak freely. Ain't that just dandy?")

for the police scanner fans---wu presidential debates 2016

for folks wishing to cover the debate police action, this is from st. louis scanner group


Control Point 1 - 1150 HANNA ROAD, BALLWIN MO 314-615-9558
Control Point 2 - 201 N. SECOND ST. RM. 541, ST. CHARLES MO 636-949-1820
Control Point 3 - 5475 BUCKEYE VALLEY RD, HOUSE SPRINGS MO 636-575-7524
08/16/2016 License Issued

1 - (ST. LOUIS) MO Countywide
770.05625 FB2T Ant: 1 75p 150e Units: 1 8K10F1E
770.55625 FB2T Ant: 1 75p 150e Units: 1 8K10F1E
771.55625 FB2T Ant: 1 75p 150e Units: 1 8K10F1E
771.98125 FB2T Ant: 1 75p 150e Units: 1 8K10F1E
772.80625 FB2T Ant: 1 75p 150e Units: 1 8K10F1E
773.23125 FB2T Ant: 1 75p 150e Units: 1 8K10F1E

2 - ST. LOUIS COUNTY, (ST. LOUIS) MO Countywide
800.05625 MO Ant: 1 30p 35e Units: 1000 8K10F1E
800.55625 MO Ant: 1 30p 35e Units: 1000 8K10F1E
801.55625 MO Ant: 1 30! p 35e Units: 1000 8K10F1E
801.98125 MO Ant: 1 30p 35e Units: 1000 8K10F1E
802.80625 MO Ant: 1 30p 35e Units: 1000 8K10F1E
803.23125 MO Ant: 1 30p 35e Units: 1000 8K10F1E
my note:  city of saint louis will use encrypted system and unless it
is covered online, only silence.   city almost 100% encrypted anymore

alas, I am not privy to current high tech stuff in this area

Utah Senator Mike Lee Goes In On Donald Trump: ‘Step Aside, Step Down’

Monday, October 3, 2016

Does your vote count? The Electoral College explained - Christina Greer

Who's Fooling Who usw

Prison chief: Missouri lock-ups quiet amid call for national inmate strike | Political Fix |

Prison chief: Missouri lock-ups quiet amid call for national inmate strike | Political Fix |

click link


JEFFERSON CITY • Missouri’s prisons were largely quiet over the weekend against the backdrop of a nationwide threat by inmates to go on strike.
George Lombardi, director of the Missouri Department of Corrections, told a legislative panel Monday that the state’s 21 facilities experienced no uprisings as part of a push by activists aimed at highlighting labor conditions within prisons.
“We’re very fortunate we had none,” Lombardi told members of the House Appropriations-Public Safety Committee.
There were problems in other states.

note:  my brother who died last year was a prison guard.  He thought highly of his coworkers, but the working conditions were substandard if he was to be believed

Nationwide Prison Strike in 3rd Week... Where's the Media?

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Documentary on East St. Louis: "War Zone-The Destruction Of An All-Ameri...

Full length new Documentary 2015 Boys of Destruction St Louis Criminal G...

2016 Ballot Measures missouri

2016 Ballot Measures:

click link

two tobacco tax increases and I intend to vote against them  this is the larger

Official Ballot TitleConstitutional Amendment 3
[Proposed by Initiative Petition]
Official Ballot Title:
Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to:
  • increase taxes on cigarettes each year through 2020, at which point this additional tax will total 60 cents per pack of 20;
  • create a fee paid by cigarette wholesalers of 67 cents per pack of 20 on certain cigarettes, which fee shall increase annually; and
  • deposit funds generated by these taxes and fees into a newly established Early Childhood Health and Education Trust Fund?
When cigarette tax increases are fully implemented, estimated additional revenue to state government is $263 million to $374 million annually, with limited estimated implementation costs. The revenue will fund only programs and services allowed by the proposal. The fiscal impact to local governmental entities is unknown.
 Fair Ballot Language:
“yes” vote will amend the Missouri Constitution to increase taxes on cigarettes each year through 2020, at which point this additional tax will total 60 cents per pack of 20. This amendment also creates a fee paid by cigarette wholesalers of 67 cents per pack of 20 on certain cigarettes. This amendment further provides that the funds generated by these taxes and fees shall be deposited into a newly established Early Childhood Health and Education Trust Fund.
“no” vote will not amend the Missouri Constitution relating to taxes and fees on cigarettes.
If passed, this measure will increase taxes on cigarettes.

Let’s End The Nonsense: Why The Public Option Makes Sense

Elizabeth Warren To Wells Fargo CEO: You Should Resign

Climate Change: The EPA Has Gone Overboard (Full Debate)

Obamacare Is Now Beyond Rescue

alas, obamacare far worse than this.

TED Talk Tim Jackson Economics Of Climate Change

Monday, September 19, 2016

Alabama Gasoline Leak Shows That Pipelines Can Never Be Trusted

August Breaks Another Heat Record, Still No Climate Change Action From USA

pipelines, a comment

It is well known that I and many members of soar 11-3 have opposed and condemned pipeline construction, upkeep, planning, politics and more of pipeline construction.  The   Dakota pipeline is nothing novel or new.

In our estimation, it is being built on land stolen from indians and farmers, it could well become an enviromental disaster and the benefits will not trickle down to workers, farmers and everyone else.

watching vids of how the construction company treated protesters looks like some of the antilabor films from the 1930s.  dogs and teargas for unarmed women and children, how brave.

this, I speak for myself at this point and time.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Flu Shot Clinic - Free Flu Shots for the Community - Barnes-Jewish Hospital

Flu Shot Clinic - Free Flu Shots for the Community - Barnes-Jewish Hospital:

click link


Free seasonal flu shots will be available for those age 6-months and older. All vaccines are free of latex and preservatives. All doses will be administered on a first come, first served basis while supplies last.
Mon, Oct. 3
- Wed, Oct. 5
7 a.m. - 6 p.m.Barnes-Jewish Hospital, Main Floor Lobby
One Barnes-Jewish Hospital Plaza
St. Louis, MO 63110

Adult vaccinations only (18+ years old)
South Garage
Mon, Oct. 3
- Wed, Oct. 5
8 a.m. - 6 p.m.Barnes-Jewish Hospital, Center for Advanced Medicine
4921 Parkview Place
St. Louis, MO 63110
North Garage or
Forest Park Laclede Garage
Sun, Oct. 99 a.m. - 3 p.m.Barnes-Jewish West County Hospital
Siteman Cancer Center, Medical Office Building 2
10 Barnes West Drive
Creve Coeur, MO  63141
Sun, Oct. 169 a.m. - 3 p.m.Siteman Cancer Center - South County
5225 Midamerica Plaza
St. Louis, MO  63129
Sun, Oct. 2310 a.m. - 1 p.m.Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church
Arlington Grove & Robert Fulton Outreach Center
5553 Dr. Martin Luther King Drive
St. Louis, MO  63112
Sun, Oct. 3010 a.m. - 2 p.m.Christ The King United Church of Christ
11370 Old Halls Ferry Road
St. Louis, MO  63033

College Republicans Make Surprise Endorsement

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Thursday, September 8, 2016

The True Price Of Prescription Drugs

from last year.  worse today

What is Right To Work?

gop governor lad says he will sign right to work in missouri.  dem canidate says he
will veto.  keep that in mind in november if you are proworker.


Mexican Politician Threatens To Nullify Agreements If #LoserDonald Does

Students Screwed After ITT Tech Closure

Native Woman Bitten By Dogs DEBUNKS Media Falsehoods

President Obama's Weekend of Insults

Indian workers go on strike to protest economic reforms

note:  real estimates are tens of millions went on strike.  alas, not covered in us

and europe for most of the coverage is in Hindi; which few soar folks speak or


by the way:  a rupee is worth 15 cents american

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Conservative Activist Phyllis Schlafly Dead At 92

well known in st louis area  last book released today and it endorses trump, using
same language that promoted barry goldwater

Who's Investing in the Dakota Access Pipeline? Meet the Banks Financing ...

Dakota Access Pipeline Company Attacks Native American Protesters with D...

Lifespans Are Long Enough

if up to canco retiree gurus, old can workers are already living too long.

bottom lines of several junk bond corps would shoot through the roof if the

old farts would pass

The Most Dangerous Schools In America

Why your EpiPen is so expensive - explained.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Translating Mexican President's Press Conference With Donald Trump

Not All KKK Members Support Donald Trump

The Great Wall of Trump

Tiny Muscles: Whiskey for Cats

for the cat lovers of the group

Trump's Doctor Is The Scientist From Independence Day (ft. Brent Spiner)

How ISIS Really Feels About Trump With Aasif Mandvi

King Trump (parody of Steve Martin's "King Tut") by Bob Rivers

soar 11-3 reunion reminder for sept 17th, 2016

reminder:  all canco folks, union folk and family are invited.    

Where: Kircher Park, Pavilion # 2, Eureka, MO. at Highways 109 & I-44
What to bring: Your drinks, potluck item (homemade, or store bought to share), bring lawn chairs, & games (Horseshoes, washers, playing cards, Frisbee golf course available, etc.
Potluck at 12:00 noon, Sandwiches will be provided

$1, 50-50 donation drawing at 2:00 P.M. (3 winners)

Sunday, August 28, 2016

DARTH TRUMP - Auralnauts

Obama Stops Counting Of Job Losses From TPP & Trade Deals

bad language.  note, bush stopped keeping track of job loss.  something obama

still does

capital has the right to move, even if many assets created by taxmoney

workers, find another job.  fries with that sir?

Michio Kaku: US has the worst educational system known to science

and no plans to improve education in us except get rid of teacher's unions

Rudy Giuliani in Drag Smooching Donald Trump

EpiPen Gouges Sick People For CEO Bonuses