This is from the Jobs for Justice in St. Louis (actually national Jobs for Justice). It is a call the house to pressure them to pass good healthcare reform. Alas, a little late for my tastes for we have been calling, calling, calling; but again we ask you to call the politicans yet once again.
Note: the officers of SOAR 11-3 are proud our members have done some excellent work on calling, writing and e-mails. Thanks again.
Date: Friday, October 30, 2009 1:03 PM
From: Jobs with Justice National
To: Gary
Subject: Call NOW to keep single payer alive
As you probably know, health care reform is making its way through Congress. This week, the House of Representatives introduced their health care reform bill. The bill is strong in many ways, but two single-payer amendments that were promised a vote this fall were not in it. The House leadership still has the power to change that.
One of the amendments, introduced by Rep. Dennis Kucinich, would allow states to implement state-wide single-payer systems. The other, by Rep. Anthony Weiner, would call for a vote on national single-payer legislation for the first time in history.
We need your voice to get these amendments back on the table. Call:
Speaker Nancy Pelosi: DC (202) 225.4965 - SF (415) 556.4862
Rep. George Miller: DC (202) 225.2095 - Concord (925) 602.1880
Rep. Henry Waxman: DC (202) 225.3976 - LA (323) 651.1040
The message is simple: Keep the Kucinich Amendment to allow states to pass single-payer, and allow Rep. Anthony Weiner introduce his single-payer amendment!
Note: after the healthcare is said and done; some of us are planning to make life interesting for some of those individuals and organizations that stiffed the single-payer folks like us with their hidden agendas, lack of leadership and double dealing. the 676ers were excluded very early in this process and that was a grave political mistake for some of our leaders.
None of the proposls in congress go far enough to insure that folks have their rights respected. Do our leaders represent the corporations or us is a very valid question?
Already some are talking about the progress and I ask, what progress? Forcing folks to pay their money to a broken system to enrich those on Wall street is not "Hope I can believe in". This amounts to another "bailout" of big money boys.