Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Steven Seagal Tells Off BP British Petroleum

good analysis and keep in mind in November. Mr. Blunt is one of the oil favorites

Deborah Rudacille reads "Smoke" at the Baltimore 510

very good presentation on steelworkers

November 25, 2008 — Deborah Rudacille reads "Smoke" at the Baltimore 510 Reading Series, November 15th 2008 at Minas Gallery.

You can learn more about the Baltimore 510 Readings, Baltimore's only dedicated fiction reading series on http://510readings.blogspot.com/



At one time, Bethlehem Steel’s Sparrow Point, plant near Baltimore, Md., employed 36,000 people. It was the world’s largest steel plant in the mid 1950s. Today, the sprawling complex is owned by a Russian conglomerate and employs about 2,500, about 1,800 of whom belong to the United Steelworkers. (USW). Yesterday, management announced as many as 600 workers could be laid off on July 1