Thursday, July 29, 2010

Mark Fiore--little green man

those interested in howthe media treats ecology stories have a treat


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Reich: How Unequal Can America Get ?

excellent economic lecture. Reich was a "Clinton man" and does the talk show circuit

He does excellent talk on poverty and does good job of explaining terms related to poverty---far better than the lame presentation by myself in march meeting.

UCtelevision | January 10, 2008
Robert Reich, a visiting professor at the UC, Berkeley's Goldman School of Public Policy and former U.S. Secretary of Labor talks about the inequality of income, wealth and opportunity in the United States and asks his audience to speculate on what will happen if these trends continue. Series: "Richard and Rhoda Goldman School of Public Policy at UC Berkeley" [5/2005] [Public Affairs] [Show ID: 9521]

another lecture of interest

a third from 08

Richard Trumka Netroots Nation 2010 July 24, 2010

good speech and folks need to get behind the program.

these are remarks from 09 Netroots Nation convention:


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

more social security----Milton Friedman

folks might find of interest to economic discussion. folks serious about doing away with entitlements. Milton was a Regan man.

could you imagine congress not honoring repayment of social security trust fund (currently about $3 trillion)?

--note Milton was also a driving force behind "free trade" mania and "privatization" efforts. You can see his influence in conservative economic thinking today.

-------social security

------socialied med

---great depression

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Peter Schiff, Ron Paul, Max Keiser - Social Security Ponzi Scheme

ponzi? more right wing guff

Ed Coyle testifies before Fiscal Commission --social security

RetiredAmericans | July 11, 2010 is the source

Ed tells it like it is. None of us is going to support social security cuts, we didduring Regan era.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Rep Michele Bachmann--social security

RepMicheleBachmann | February 18, 2010

Rep. Bachmann joins David Asman on Fox Business to discuss the impact of the President's economic "stimulus" package one year after its signing into law. Additionally, they discuss the need to fix the Social Security system for future generations of Americans. It's currently on a crash course for insolvency.


Sunday, July 11, 2010

election 2010

one might ask what folks running for office what is there position on social security and medicare. Many of the teabagger's favor doing away with the programs.

some running in both Mo and Il as a matter of fact

Cafferty File: Privatizing Social Security (from 08 election time)

Should all tea partiers be required to sign an "I won't take social security and medicare" pledge

While Basking In His Millions, Glenn Beck Wants You To Give Up Social Security And Medicare (2010)