Monday, October 24, 2011

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Kaare vs. conservative at Occupy st louis

Occupy Chicago Protest Continues Despite Arrests

Occupy Chicago Protest Continues Despite Arrests

click link

Occupy Chicago Protest Continues Despite Arrests:

Scores arrested at 'Occupy Chicago' protest –

Scores arrested at 'Occupy Chicago' protest –

click link

Letters to the editor, October 22 What democracy looks like

Letters to the editor, October 22

from listings at Post:

What democracy looks like

Like many Americans, I am fascinated by the scale and scope of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Earlier this month, I had an opportunity to spend time at Zuccotti Park in New York, the very catalyst for the 99 percent movement now sweeping the world.

Occupy Wall Street is an unaffiliated group of concerned citizens who united around the principle that they would not remain passive as the elite (1 percent monopoly capitalists) continue to run amok, tampering with money and lives. The group consists of individuals, organized labor, student groups, social justice organizations and organizations from a wide political spectrum. In their Principles of Solidarity, they explain that they came from all across the country to protest the blatant injustices of our times perpetuated by the economic and political elites.

These 1 percent elites brought the entire country to the brink of bankruptcy and plunged us all into a recession from which we may not recover for many years. Yet, instead of jail, these lords of finance were bailed out with taxpayer's dollars. Major corporations have outsourced and off-shored jobs while receiving tax incentives, leaving millions of Americans without jobs, wages and benefits. Millions have been forced into poverty.

The 99 percent of the people want what everybody wants: the ability to have a home, to make a livelihood, to have a family, to live free. They are protesting for the most basic rights as citizens: to convene, to express themselves and to be heard. They want jobs. They want retirement security. All working Americans want the $2.6 trillion Social Security surplus fund to be used as intended. Seniors and the disabled want no cuts to Medicare or Medicaid.

Organized labor, always in the forefront of the struggle for jobs and economic justice, has endorsed the occupation of Wall Street and promise continued support and backing of the movement of the 99 percent. Seniors and retirees across the country are playing key roles as well. To those brave men and women at Zuccotti Park and around the world, you are what democracy looks like!

Earline Jones • Bridgeton

Retired CWA, Missouri Alliance for Retired Americans, Education Fund

Read more:

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Debate In 100 Seconds: What Happens In Vegas

Barack Obama: Republicans Want "Dirtier Air, Dirtier Water"

they do wish more pollution, that is a fact. look at voting records if you have doubts

some of the dems also siding with these folks

remember on election day

Ron Paul on Occupy WallStreet CNN Las Vegas Debate 10/18/2011

too bad Ronnie is full of batpucky most of the time. Ron does understand Wall street protests

Cantor: We Need To Rely On The Wealthy To Take Care Of Income Disparity

what an ass

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Taxes on the wealthy have gone down dramatically | Economic Policy Institute

Taxes on the wealthy have gone down dramatically | Economic Policy Institute

click link above

from article:

With Tax Day fast approaching and deficit reduction all the rage, one fact deserves significant attention: the wealthy are enjoying some of the lowest taxes in generations. The Figure shows the average tax rate in 1979, 1992, and 2007, as well as the tax rate for the top 1% of households, and the top 400 households (who have an average annual income of nearly $350 million). Since 1979, the country’s overall average tax rate—the share of income paid in taxes—has fallen slightly, but for those at the top of the earnings ladder this share has fallen dramatically.

note: from April, 11

one wonders about April 2010?

Occupy St. Louis marches through downtown

Occupy St. Louis marches through downtown

click link above

from article:

ST. LOUIS • Students, laborers, retirees and the unemployed were among those participating in the Occupy St. Louis movement Friday, marching to Bank Of America's downtown headquarters as a show of solidarity against the bank's policies, organizers said.

The more than 500 in attendance joined with Occupy St. Louis to help spread the group's message: that politicians are only working for the betterment of billionaires who make up less than 1 percent of the population. That needs to change, organizers said.

"I think people are tired of their houses falling into foreclosure while the rich are getting richer," said Steve Johnson, an organizer at Teamsters Local 688.

The movement is a spinoff of Occupy Wall Street, which has spawned other similar movements with groups taking up space at venues in larger cities across the country. Members of Occupy St. Louis have camped out in Kiener Plaza since Oct. 1 in tents and sleeping bags in and around the plaza to gain support for their cause.

I was at this rally. will report next soar meeting.

note: many unions and organizations represented from area including USW from Granite city

SEIU, JWJ, join MORE with Occupy StL

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The People VS Oligarchs: #OccupyThePlanet

10-14-11 5 - "Our Broken System" Special Comment Replay - Countdown with...

Occupy St. Louis protests downtown |

Occupy St. Louis protests downtown |

click link above

I was there, as well as some eastside steelworkers and soar

In all, good protest and march--no violence or garbage. I kinda felt lonely, St. Louis did not have the SWAT team standing by. some in labor did volenteer to be the first arressted if the worst happened

Friday, October 14, 2011

Kathleen Parker: The tease declines

Kathleen Parker: The tease declines

click link above

from article:

Undoubtedly many Americans, not least among them television producers, are disappointed by Sarah Palin's decision not to run for president.

On the bright side, Palin has proved (finally) that there is a God.

How so?

For the past three years, since she rocketed from relative obscurity to political diva, Palin has hinted that she might run for the highest office, but would rely on God's guidance. This template is not unique to Palin. Millions pray to a higher order to discover the right path. I recently watched a few minutes of "Eat, Pray, Love" before succumbing to an ennui-induced coma, in which Julia Roberts tearfully implores God, to whom she admits not having spoken on a regular basis, to tell her what to do: Dump her boring husband and follow her appetite for pasta and spiritual enlightenment through casual sex? Or....

The title of the movie and the book upon which it was based correctly hints at God's directive.

Read more:

might wish to refer folks to the Mike Tyson interview on the subject

Local banks getting into payday loan business

Local banks getting into payday loan business

click link above

from article:

Big banks are getting into the payday lending business, creating competition for the storefront operators and stirring the ire of consumer advocates.

The banks call it a convenience for customers facing unexpected bills. Critics say the banks are luring the unwitting into an expensive cycle of debt.

In the St. Louis market, at least three banks will make customers a payday-like loan through their checking accounts: US Bank, the biggest player in the local banking market, Regions Bank and Fifth Third Bank.

Banks often call them "advance" loans. They typically charge $10 for every $100 lent, and they collect from electronic deposits of paychecks or Social Security. Storefront payday shops charge an average of $17 for a two-week loan of $100, according to figures from the Missouri Division of Finance.

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this is old news, banks been doing this for a long, long time.



Thursday, October 13, 2011

10-13-11 1a - Cleaning Confrontation, with Gideon Oliver - Countdown wit...

note: remember we have rally with the St. Louis protesters at 3:30 pm tomorrow

they have an "eviction" order as well

10-13-11 5 - Worst Persons - Countdown with Keith Olbermann

march at Kiener: occupy st. louis-jobs with justice-usw

Rally and March with Occupy St. Louis

Kiener Plaza
Market and 7th, Downtown St. Louis
Friday, October 14

will be a couple of us there as well as some of them eastside usw folks

if you cannot make it: watch news
also watch news for New York tomorrow: attempt to clear out folks from park there

Koch Brothers Fund Herman Cain

Obama Jobs Plan & Political Theatre

job plan has 100% opposition in senate. lord knows in house of reps

10-12-11 1a - Taking On The Banks, with John Avalos - Countdown with Kei...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Paul Krugman: Panic on Wall Street

Paul Krugman: Panic on Wall Street

click link above

from article:

It remains to be seen whether the Occupy Wall Street protests will change America's direction. Yet the protests have already elicited a remarkably hysterical reaction from Wall Street, the super-rich in general, and politicians and pundits who reliably serve the interests of the wealthiest hundredth of a percent.

And this reaction tells you something important — namely, that the extremists threatening American values are what FDR called "economic royalists," not the people camping in Zuccotti Park.

Consider first how Republican politicians have portrayed the modest-sized if growing demonstrations, which have involved some confrontations with the police — confrontations that seem to have involved a lot of police overreaction — but nothing one could call a riot. And there has in fact been nothing so far to match the behavior of Tea Party crowds in summer 2009.

Nonetheless, Eric Cantor, the House majority leader, has denounced "mobs" and "the pitting of Americans against Americans." The GOP presidential candidates have weighed in, with Mitt Romney accusing the protesters of waging "class warfare," while Herman Cain calls them "anti-American." My favorite, however, is Sen. Rand Paul, who for some reason worries that the protesters will start seizing iPads, because they believe rich people don't deserve to have them.

Michael Bloomberg, New York's mayor and a financial-industry titan in his own right, was a bit more moderate, but still accused the protesters of trying to "take the jobs away from people working in this city," a statement that bears no resemblance to the movement's actual goals.

And if you were listening to talking heads on CNBC, you learned that the protesters "let their freak flags fly," and are "aligned with Lenin."

Read more:

Editorial: Risks are too great for an expanded Keystone

Editorial: Risks are too great for an expanded Keystone

click link

from article:

Within weeks, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is supposed to decide whether to authorize a 1,600-mile expansion of a tar sands crude oil pipeline network across six Midwestern, Western and Southern U.S. states and three Canadian provinces. Alternatively, she could pass the decision on to President Barack Obama.

Neither the president nor the secretary of state should approve the application at this time for any number of reasons, chief among them is the very real danger of catastrophic pipeline failures in crucial locations.

Such events could leave large tracts of Western and Midwestern farm, ranch and recreational land contaminated with toxic wastes and poison surface-river systems and deep natural reservoirs used to irrigate billions of dollars' worth of crops and supply drinking water to millions of Americans.

Read more:

oil companies do not have a good record for their products. leaks, blow-outs and more quite common and they lie about the number and severity; as well as have cover from politicans and agencies

this is a continuation of the pipeline story from years past.

Ann Coulter: Occupy Wall Street Protesters Are Getting in Touch With Dem...

demonic? Ann, you are a fool and looks like you are trying to sell yet another garbage book

Monday, October 10, 2011

Occupy Wall Street -- faces of the revolution

more international attention

note: if you have shortwave radio, many programs mentioning wall street protests.
I used to listen to Radio Moscow all the time and still listen to Russian radio from time to time.

Wall Street protesters want every voice heard

international attention being stimulated on wall street protesters

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Keith-Olbermann Reads The-Statement Released By The Wall Street Proteste...

Police arrest Wall Street protestors in St. Louis; protest movement spreads to Springfield

Police arrest Wall Street protestors in St. Louis; protest movement spreads to Springfield

click link

did not see this on st louis news

one wonders why st louis media does not cover these type stories? like union stuff, protests from left.

they do well covering less than a score of teabaggers raising hell though

wall street and usw; we support the protests

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy


I think all organized labor should join this movement. My opinion, this should have been done before 2010 election

note: some of the teabaggers upset other folks stealing their thunder if you watch other commentaries and read other comments.

Hartmann: United Steelworkers are for in Occupy Wall Street

about time usw supports these folks. soar 11-3 on board as well