Thursday, March 19, 2009

Billionaire Indian "Woman of Steel"

No doubt most of the steelworkers did not get an invitation to this event. This is the marriage of the daughter of the Indian steel billionaire. In 07, folks were calling her the "woman of steel".

I tend to think the women of steel are those steelworking woman and women married to steelworkers, but I did not get a "silver invitation" to this event. Some might find this amusing and other possibly not:

1 comment:

garyro said...

May I add as a personal observation. I have nothing against rich folks, hell I wish to be one myself someday. However, the celebration of such displays of wealth and power, is distasteful to me and I am certain to others as well.

What is more distasteful is that some in our great nation are so utterly fascinated with wealth. Personally, I am a parttime materialist and such displays seem such a waste. I am not among those "conspicuous consumption" folks".