Thursday, August 13, 2009

ARA townhall in Hazelwood (St. Louis) today

Today several members of our Soar group attended the Alliance for Retired American's townhall in North county. Several politicans and spokesfolks were there including Representative William Lacy Clay. There was a good sampling of the area's retiree community in attendance, very good sampling.

Excellent meeting and a lot of information was passed to the group. Teabaggers? Missing in Action for they were not there; inside or out.


Union folks have low tolerence for fools disrupting events; very low. Tea Party disruptions happen at "soft targets" and by that I mean events that there is high visibility and little real danger of confrontation. Cowards, perhaps; but Tea bag folks are not overly stupid. Sad, so many of the teabaggers are led by what appears to be folks with ties to insurance companies and other healthcare businesses.

Today was a victory for rational folks seeking information and dialogue with their representatives. ARA deserves the thanks of all retirees and most certainly has the thanks of Soar 11-3.

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