Thursday, April 14, 2011

URGENT jobs with justice call to protect health care--opposition to Ryan cuts

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From: "Missouri Jobs with Justice"

Date: 04/14/2011 10:23:44 EDT
Subject: Urgent Action: Tell Congress to Protect Health Care for Workers and Retirees

Urgent Action: Tell Congress to Protect Health Care for Workers and Retirees

Take action Now!

Call 1-866-922-4970 and tell YOUR US Representative: "I oppose Ryan's budget proposal. We can't balance the budget at the expense of retirees, working families, children, and the communities they live in.

Attacks on workers are just gearing up in the Federal Budget struggle. House Budget Chair Paul Ryan wants to balance the budget by gutting health care funding and other services for working families and retirees.

Ryan, a Republican from Wisconsin, proposes to trim more than a trillion dollars from Medicaid, Medicare, and subsidies in the Affordable Care Act that will give working families an opportunity to purchase affordable insurance. Each of these budget cuts leads to more jobs lost here in Missouri!

While Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps and a host of domestic spending programs that create jobs are deeply cut, tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans are not on the table.

Its time to tell the US House of Representatives to stop cutting funding for health care, working families, and retirees.

Take action now!

The first vote on the proposed FY2012 federal budget can happen any time. So it's important for you to call your US Representative right now! Tell your Representative:

"I strongly oppose Congressman Ryan's budget proposal. I urge you to vote against Congressman Ryan's budget proposal. It's time to stand up for working families and retirees in the budget. I am opposed to the proposed Medicaid and Medicare cuts that will hurt retirees, working families and children. We can't balance the budget by destroying our communities."

Use this toll freee number: 1-866-922-4970

Call NOW! Fight Back!


Fore more information, contact Jobs with Justice Health Care Organizer Amy Smoucha: or 314-608-3917.

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