Sunday, May 8, 2011

Missouri instructors say they were threatened after posting of misleading video -

Missouri instructors say they were threatened after posting of misleading video -


reporting of this flap has not been very good in St. Louis media

of course, Post is becoming antiunion rag. many television stations not doing a good job

from article:

A University of Missouri-Kansas City labor studies professor says she’s been bombarded by “ugly e-mails and scary telephone calls” since a political website posted what school officials say was a doctored video suggesting she supports union violence.

In response, UMKC has posted uniformed police — and others in civilian clothes — in and around Judy Ancel’s classroom, said university spokesman John Austin.

A second instructor shown in the video, Don Giljum, said he has received two death threats since Monday, when the video appeared on Andrew Breitbart’s Big Government site.

Giljum has since resigned as adjunct professor at the University of Missouri-St. Louis.

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