Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Glitch Exposed in Obama Health Care Plan - Politics - The Atlantic Wire

Glitch Exposed in Obama Health Care Plan - Politics - The Atlantic Wire

click link for interesting story:

glitch? As a supporter of universal healthcare, I see this as a step; not a glitch. most likely mind you unintentional

from story:
"Glitch Exposed in Obama Health Care Plan


An anomaly in the complex Obama health care plan may mean that 3 million additional people could qualify for Medicare benefits when the law takes effect in 2014. According to number crunchers gauging the new system's cost for the Health and Human Services department, the glitch means that early retirees with a household income of up to $64,000 would qualify for the nearly free government health care program intended for those below the poverty line. "I don't generally comment on the pros or cons of policy, but that just doesn't make sense," Medicare chief actuary Richard Foster told the Associated Press, which equates the situation with "allowing middle-class people to qualify for food stamps."

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