Saturday, August 13, 2011

SOAR Convention Opens With Call to Activism

SOAR Convention Opens With Call to Activism

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SOAR, the Steelworkers Organization of Active Retirees, opened its two-day constitutional conference Friday in Las Vegas with a call to arms from International President Leo W. Gerard.

Gerard urged the 164 delegates to the conference to “take to the streets” to defend social programs in both the United States and Canada that are under attack by conservative political parties in both countries.

“We need to show our anger,’’ Gerard said as he urged retirees to continue their activism to protect health care, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid from the budget-cutting process underway in Washington, D.C.

“You have the credibility as seniors to demand fairness, to stand up and say Social Security is not an entitlement,’’ Gerard said to applause. “You paid for it every day you went to work.”

Since its inception, SOAR has been a major part of the USW’s ongoing fight for a better deal for workers and retirees. It has long fought for the preservation of Social Security and Medicare.

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