Sunday, April 15, 2012

Horrigan: The GOP in 2052

Horrigan: The GOP in 2052

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In the spring of 2052, the pressures that had been building since the Great Seclusion finally erupted. The last 2 million Republicans, barricaded since 2041 within the borders of Kansas, kept safe by one of those 15-foot electrified fences that their ancestors once had proposed to keep Mexicans out, met for what was billed as the Last Caucus.

Eighty-eight year old Sarah Palin, the party's Dowager Empress since the tragic loss of her husband, eaten by the world's last free-ranging polar bear when his snowmobile was stranded on an ice floe, called the meeting to order. As honorary chairwoman, she spoke for 90 minutes before reluctantly surrendering the gavel to Rush Hudson "Hud" Limbaugh IV, the putative heir of the famous radio host and one of his later wives.
"My friends," said Hud. "The time has come. Everything we had feared has come to pass. White people are a minority in this country and white Republicans are a minority within a minority. It started back in '11, when more minority babies were born than white babies, and now those babies have grown up.

"Some of you remember the shock of aught-eight when President Malia Obama's father was elected. A black president!"

Hud Limbaugh stopped to choke back tears. He continued, his voice cracking:

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