Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Healthcare-NOW! - Health Care Reform: We’re Not Done Yet

Healthcare-NOW! - Health Care Reform: We’re Not Done Yet:

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By Walter Tsou –
The Supreme Court has spoken. The Affordable Care Act, briefly on the ropes, has been blessed as the law of the land.
Too many feel that health reform is finally finished and we can move on to the big three issues: the economy, jobs and the deficit. However, because health care is the 800-pound gorilla of the economy, those issues cannot be solved without more far-reaching health reform.
Sorry, lawmakers, but you are going to need to get back in the ring to answer a fundamental question: what is the most cost-effective and constitutional way to finance health care so that we can have quality, affordable health care for everyone?
The answer – single-payer national health insurance, also known as an improved Medicare for all – would save America hundreds of billions of dollars annually. And as the Supreme Court reaffirmed, a program of this type, financed by taxes, is definitely constitutional.
Outrageously, this simple solution was never discussed in the two contentious years of debate surrounding the creation of the ACA because it was deemed “politically impossible.”

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