Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Unusual Allies Fight Sequester Cuts : Roll Call Influence

Unusual Allies Fight Sequester Cuts : Roll Call Influence:

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Defense industry insiders joined with advocates for public health, research universities and other sectors that rely on federal funds Monday to issue a combined call to stop the upcoming sequester cuts.
The rare display of unity among groups that are often pitted against one another underscored shared concern over the across-the-board budget cuts scheduled to hit nondiscretionary spending March 1.
“We’re going to rise and fall together in this debate,” Emily Holubowich, the executive director of the Coalition for Health Funding and co-chairwoman of NDD United, said at a morning news conference at the National Press Club. “Working separately wasn’t working, clearly.”
The officials said the federal budget crisis requires Congress and the Obama administration to arrive at a bipartisan grand bargain that should include new tax revenues, an overhaul of entitlement programs and cuts to the nondiscretionary side of the ledger.
Holubowich called it an “unprecedented effort” to stop the sequester and noted that it marked “the first time under one big tent” for the organizations.
“These cuts have consequences and every American will pay the price,” she said, adding that the sequester would bring cuts to not only defense but also the medical research community, food inspections, national parks and public safety, among other areas.

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