Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Kathleen Parker: Crisis of faith in government : Stltoday

Kathleen Parker: Crisis of faith in government : Stltoday
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Which is to say, the IRS has some big work ahead. No one seems to know how much, though running estimates are that thousands of new agents will be needed.

In addition to deciding which organizations qualify for tax-exempt status, as in the case of tea party and patriot organizations recently targeted for prolonged, special scrutiny, our nation’s revenuers will also be redefining “religious.” Determining whether a religious or charitable institution qualifies for tax-exempt status has always been part of the IRS’ dubious bailiwick, but Obamacare has upped the ante by requiring some religious affiliates to provide health care — such as contraception — that violates their conscience.

Whatever one’s personal positions on reproductive matters, the historically higher standard of individual conscience has been scuttled by the Obama administration in deference to a universal health care plan that leaves the definition of religious organization and, therefore, conscience to a bureaucracy of accountants.
Even if one were disinclined to care much about other people’s moral beliefs, there’s something disconcerting about the Conga Line detail determining what constitutes religious enough. Those deemed not truly religious will be denied conscience protections, as has already occurred. Among other consequences, many charitable organizations that have served society’s least fortunate will have to shutter their doors, inviting new legions to rely on taxpayer-funded social services.

Or is this, indeed, the point? Dependency, after all, is a constituency with life tenure.

l think we can find a crisis of faith in all modern institutions.  really trust wall street or do you fully trust anyone?

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