Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Clinton edges Sanders in Madison County Democratic straw poll - The Telegraph - thetelegraph.com

Clinton edges Sanders in Madison County Democratic straw poll - The Telegraph - thetelegraph.com:

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EDWARDSVILLE — Hillary Clinton nosed out Bernie Sanders in the inaugural Madison County Democratic straw pole, held Monday evening at the Knights of Columbus in Edwardsville.
The secretary of state took in 272 votes, just over Sanders’ 264.
Democratic officials said they were pleased with the turnout, which they called a prime example of “grassroots” democracy.
The rules followed the same rules as the Iowa Caucus, in which voters appear at various public venues to discuss and vote for candidates. Voters do not have to have their minds made up before they appear, and there will also be deputy registrars available for people who have not registered.
Check www.thetelegraph.com Tuesday for the full story.

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