Thank You for Completing the Tea Party Journey: "
You've Completed the Journey
Thank you.
Last week, you helped elect a Tea Party President. Don't let anyone tell you Trump isn't the Tea Party's product. He is. Without the Tea Party--without you--Hillary Clinton would be getting ready to nominate Barrack Obama to the Supreme Court.
Without you, most of the 1st and 2nd Amendments would be on their way to the ash heap of history.
Without you, the American experiment would be about to end in surrender to putrid kleptocracy.
But you never folded, never whined, never ran away from the fight. Even though the Tea Party became less visible, we became more formidable.
In short, we won.
We still have the hard work of accountability, of course. The war isn't won, just the battle.
But that, my friends, was a crucial battle. While our win on November 8 does not assure final victory, a loss would have meant certain defeat. Defeat for everything we stood for. Defeat for the founding philosophy of America. Defeat for the idea of self-governance. Defeat for the rule of law. Defeat for Judeo-Christian civilization.
As I wrote last week, Trump's win completed the Tea Party. And, while we may not go away, we finally have an answer when asked, "what has the Tea Party accomplished?"
We can now say simply, "we've made America great again."
Thank you for being with us through every battle, from the steps of the Arch in February 2009 to Russ Carnahan's office parking lot to the front porch of SEIU. Those boiling hot nights of August 2009. Those depressing days of horrible Supreme Court decisions. That deflating evening in November 2012.
Finally, to bastardize a line from that great adopted-American Winston Churchill, if the American experiment lasts another thousand years, let them say the Tea Party saved the country.
Bill Hennessy