Thursday, February 22, 2018

Don’t Let Corporations Write the Rules NAFTA AFL CIO Videos

Robots Could Be Coming For More Than Just Your Job: VICE on HBO, Full Ep...

NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre speaks at CPAC after school shooting

MO GOP looking for paid volunteers to gather signatures for pro-Right-to-Work petition | The Missouri Times

MO GOP looking for paid volunteers to gather signatures for pro-Right-to-Work petition | The Missouri Times:

click link.  note prop a has some excellent anti-union language.  vote no on prop a

 "JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – Though the right-to-work law is now headed toward the ballot in November, but that doesn’t mean that the fight is finished.

In an email sent out by county party groups, Republicans are asking for volunteers to carry petitions and gather signatures for a proposed petition.

Here’s the language that the Missouri GOP is proposing:

 “Do you want to amend the Missouri Constitution to provide that every employee shall have the freedom to work without being forced to pay any fees to a union (labor organization) or join a union in order to gain or keep a job?”"

note:  folks are paid $3 per valid signature.  good pay, but of course Koch folks can afford to be generous 

Roy Moore backer jumps into Missouri fight over right to work | Political Fix |

Roy Moore backer jumps into Missouri fight over right to work | Political Fix |

click link

"JEFFERSON CITY • An Illinois megadonor who was a major contributor to failed Alabama U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore wants to make Missouri a right to work state.

 Richard Uihlein, a wealthy packaging company executive from Lake Forest who is also helping to bankroll Attorney General Josh Hawley’s bid for the U.S. Senate, contributed $500,000 Tuesday to a Kansas City-based political action committee named “Freedom to Work,” which is raising cash to fend off a union-led attempt to kill efforts to change state labor laws."

$4.25M settlement approved for Granite City IL coke plant | Belleville News-Democrat

$4.25M settlement approved for Granite City IL coke plant | Belleville News-Democrat:

click link

 "Residents involved in a $4.25 million class action lawsuit settlement against two energy and coke-making plants will officially get their chunk of the settlement after a judge approved it Friday.

The lawsuit was filed by Granite City residents who said their property was damaged by alleged particulate matter and odorous gases from SunCoke Energy Inc. and Gateway Energy and Coke Company. The two companies denied the allegations against them but agreed to settle due to the uncertainty and risk of delaying litigation."


Billionaire Bill Gates Guesses Grocery Store Prices

The Unlikely Origins of Five Everyday Things

Meet Mama Cat, the Chef Saving St. Louis With Spaghetti | NBC Left Field

Poll: Most Of The Country Doesn't Like Donald Trump As A Person | The 11...

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Trump vs. The World: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)


A New "Cancer Alley" for Appalachia

EX-KGB Yuri Bezmenov talks Social Justice as a commie weapon

clip from much longer vid.  vid is on soarsaintlouis blog

social justice in america as a movement began before 1917.  a long time before