Thursday, April 30, 2009

Top 10 enemies of single payer healthcare

The following is an interesting article about some of the foes of single-payer healthcare. Listing is surprising.

The Profiteers of Suffering
The Top 10 Enemies of Single-Payer

by Russell Mokhiber / April 25th, 2009
Most people, when they arrive in Washington, D.C., see it for what it is — a cesspool of corruption.
Two reasonable reactions to the cesspool.
One, run away screaming in fear.
Two, stay and fight back and bring to justice those who have corrupted our democracy.
Unfortunately, many choose a third way — stay and be transformed.
Instead of seeing a cesspool, they begin seeing a hot tub.
The result — profits and wealth for the corporate elite — death, disease and destruction for the American people.
Nowhere does this corrupt, calculating transformation do more damage than in the area of health care.

Outside the beltway cesspool/hot tub, the majority of doctors, nurses, small businesses, health economists, and the majority of the American people — according to recent polls — want a Canadian-style, single payer, everybody in, nobody out, free choice of doctor and hospital, national health insurance system.
Inside the beltway cesspool/hot tub, the corrupt elite will have none of it.
They won’t even put single payer on the table for discussion.
Why not?

Because it will bring a harsh justice — the death penalty — to their buddies in the multi-billion dollar private health insurance industry.
The will of the American people is being held up by a handful of organizations and individuals who profit off the suffering of the masses.
And the will of the American people will not be done until this criminal elite is confronted and defeated.
(Remember, virtually the entire industrialized world — save for us, the U.S. — makes it a crime to allow for-profit health insurance corporations to make money selling basic health insurance.)
Before we confront and defeat the inside the beltway cesspool/hot tub crowd, we must first know who they are.

To wit, we present the Top Ten Enemies of Single Payer (listed here in alphabetical order):

American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)
AARP, one of DC’s most powerful lobbying groups, has worked inside the beltway for years to defeat single payer. Why? AARP makes about a quarter of its money selling insurance through its affiliate, United Healthcare Group, the nation’s largest for-profit insurance company. AARP must defeat single payer – which if enacted, would wipe out that revenue stream.

American Health Insurance Plans (AHIP)
The private health insurance industry. Public enemy number one. The health insurance corporations must die so that the American people can live. Of course, facing the death penalty, AHIP is the most aggressive opponent to single payer. No compromise with AHIP.
American Medical Association

With a shrinking base of doctors (only 25 percent of doctors nationwide belong) — the AMA is the most conservative of the doctors’ organizations. I just returned from a health care policy forum at the Center for American Progress. As usual, not one of the panelists mentioned single payer. Only during the question period did a self-identified patient/citizen ask the single payer question. And a pit bull-like Nancy Nielsen, president of the AMA, ripped into the questioner. “Sounds more like a statement than a question,” Nielsen said. “And clearly you have a point of view about that. And I don’t happen to share that point of view.” Clearly she doesn’t. But just as clearly, the majority of doctors, probably even a majority of doctors who belong to the AMA, support single payer. Nielsen is in denial and must be defeated.

Barack Obama
He was for it when he was a state Senator in Illinois. Now, ensconced in the corporate prison that is the White House, he says single payer is off the table. To get off the list, Obama needs to put single payer back on the table.

Business Roundtable
Dr. David Himmelstein, co-founder of Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP), was at a health care forum a couple of years ago sponsored by the Business Roundtable. And the moderator asked the audience — made up primarily of representatives of big business — to indicate their preference of health care reforms. And the majority came out in favor of single payer. Why then is the Business Roundtable opposed? Himmelstein put it this way: “In private, they support single payer, but they’re also thinking — if you can take away someone else’s business — the insurance companies’ business — you can take away mine. Also, if workers go on strike, I want them to lose their health insurance. And it’s also a cultural thing — we don’t do that kind of thing in this country.”

Families USA
A major inside the beltway liberal foundation and long-time foe of single payer. It’s chief executive, Ron Pollack, was once an advocate for single payer. But no more. In November 1991, Pollack was at a Washington hotel debating Yale University professor Ted Marmor in front of then Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton. Marmor was making the argument for single payer. Pollack against. A November 1994 article in the Washington Monthly, co-authored by Marmor, reported the result this way: “After the two advocates finished, Clinton looked thoughtful, pointed to Marmor and said, ‘Ted, you win the argument.’ But gesturing to Pollack, Marmor recalls, the governor quickly added, ‘But we’re going to do what he says.’ Even considering the Canadian system, everyone in the room agreed, would prompt GOP cries of ‘socialized medicine’ — cries that the press would faithfully report.”

Health Care for American Now
The largest coalition of liberal groups promoting a choice between a public plan and private insurance companies. “They are saying – we can’t do single payer because Americans don’t want it,” said Kip Sullivan of the Minnesota chapter of PNHP. “That’s based on junk research conducted by Celinda Lake for the Herndon Alliance. It is bad enough to say we can’t do single payer because the insurance industry is too powerful to beat. But it is just plain insidious to say we can’t do single payer because the American people don’t want it. In fact, polling data indicates that two-thirds of Americans support a single payer system. And that level of support exists despite the fact that there is little public discussion about it.”

Kaiser Family Foundation
One of the most prestigious liberal inside the beltway think tanks on health reform policy. Saul Friedman is a reporter for Newsday. In February, Friedman wrote an article for Newsday arguing that single payer is suffering from a conspiracy of silence. And he says Kaiser is the most culpable of the co-conpsirators. Kaiser, funded initially by insurance industry money, regularly keeps single payer off the table, Friedman says. When single payer advocates released a study in January asserting that Congressman John Conyers’ single payer bill (HR 676) could create 2.6 million new jobs and would cost far less than the private insurance currently paid for by individuals and employers, “the Kaiser Family Foundation’s daily online report on health care developments at didn’t mention it,” Friedman reported. “Nor has Kaiser, the most comprehensive online source of health care information, made any mention of single-payer or the Conyers bill since it was introduced in 2003, despite widespread support for such a plan according to Kaiser’s own polls.” After a number of insistent inquiries, Kaiser told Friedman that they would publish charts in March comparing the Stark and Conyers bills. They never did.

The Lewin Group
The go-to consulting firm for health reform studies. The most recent study, released last week and widely quoted in the press, of the public plan option, showed that the insurance industry would lose 32 million policy holders if a public plan is enacted. Lewin’s health reform policy guru, John Sheils, told the Associated Press: “The private insurance industry might just fizzle out altogether.” What the mainstream press didn’t report was that The Lewin Group is a wholly owned subsidiary of Ingenix, which is in turn owned by UnitedHealth Group, the nation’s largest health insurance corporation. Lewin Group has conducted studies on single payer at the state level — and their studies consistently show that single payer is the most efficient cost saving system. But Lewin Group has never done a study on HR 676 — which would create a single payer for the entire country and drive The Lewin Group’s parent — UnitedHealth Group — out of business. When asked why Lewin Group never has done a study on HR 676, Sheils said — “the President didn’t propose single payer, did he?” No, he didn’t. That’s why he too is on this list. (Sheils says The Lewin Group has studied national single payer. He points to a recent comparison of the different health reform proposals floating on Capitol Hill — including one by Congressman Pete Stark (D-California). Stark’s bill would give every American the option of opting into Medicare. But that’s not single payer, because it keeps the private insurance industry in the game. Sheils counters that he modeled the Stark bill as single-payer. “The employer coverage option under the Stark bill is made so unfavorable that no employer would do it. We have everyone in Medicare, with the resulting savings.” Sheils says that of all the plans studied, the Stark bill saves the most money.)

Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers Association of America (PHRMA)
PHRMA chief executive Billy Tauzin says that under single payer, the government would become a “price fixer.” By which he means, the government, as a single payer, will have the power to negotiate drug prices downward, thus costing the drug corporations millions in excess profits. In recent years, PHRMA has infiltrated liberal sounding groups like America’s Agenda — Health Care for All. PHRMA’s Vice President for Government Affairs and Law, Jan Faiks, now sits on the board of America’s Agenda and PHRMA contributes money to the group — which has worked in recent years to undermine single payer at the state level. (America’s Agenda Mark Blum won’t say how much money PHRMA gives to his group.)

We have met the enemy.
And they ain’t us.
Russell Mokhiber is editor of Corporate Crime Reporter and founder of Read other articles by Russell, or visit Russell's website.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Healthcare front news


I attended the Health-Care Now meeting in St. Louis Sat, April 26th and I made some remarks about our little group's position on "compromise". I said merely that our group did not wish to hear about "compromise" and that we would oppose such with a vehemence and fervour, holding our elected ones accountable. Note: I also attended another healthcare roundtable earlier this month with Ralph and some were on the "compromise trail". Note: I am solely responible for statements and this post:

As an elected member of Soar 11-3, I believe this is the position of most of the members. We will oppose multipayer plans with vehemence for this method is not the correct path to solving health-care woes of the land. That some are already talking compromise before details are officially released, that is madness and shows a utter lack of political saavy. I care not whom gets credit or not, I want the problem fixed.

Now, for some whom do not know about the membership: All the members retired (some forced/early) and were made guarantees of life-time benefits. Those little promises were a lie and about everyone has insurance woes, including those on Medicare. Medicare is not "canco" insurance which we were accustom much of our adult life. Hard to explain to those folks whom have limited insurance is compared to what is presently called insurance.

For instance, I do not have Medicare and since the time of retirement (almost exactly a decade ago) and now I have seen my healthcare costs go up slightly over 1,000 percent or tenfold. The present system and say HR676, there is no comparison.

Some of the members of the group if you compare to HR676 are overpaying in the range of $10,000 a year in excessive costs and they do have medicare. Needless to say, those folks are a bit unhappy with this situation. Do the "compromise folks" believe that working folks have such deep pockets? Some of the members were forced to find other jobs post-retirement canco to pay for meds and more that should have been provided by company. Is economic slavery what some wish?

Within Soar 11-3, the group has several thousand years of union experience between the members. Folks from American Can and Continental Can were never known as timid lambs in the labor movement, nor are they today. Soar ll-3 members are some of the most knowlegeable and informed folks in the area with many politically active in the Missouri/Illinois region . Most have kin and friends in other geographic regions and although we work usually behind the scene; we have some notible successes in politics and getting out the word on varied issues. We do have the knowledge and skill troublemaking and hopefully will not have to excercise such tactics. However, if the elected ones and others think we are going to roll over on this issue; they are mistaken.

Note: Obama healthcare summits did exclude single-payer folks from the discussion. If anyone believes healthcare change for the positive will occur with the systematic prejudice against single payer options, I do believe them mistaken. One can attribute motives, but it is too early to do that.
That said, I enjoyed the Healthcare-Now meeting. I think some very responsible and well-meaning folks were in attendance and some impressed me. Fair union turn-out as well with Steelworkers and UAW in attendance and a good cross section of the community.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

a little television history, politicans on television

A lot of folks decry politicans showing up on television. This is not old news and some politicans very slick and hip to the present day culture.

One of the most successful television appearances was in 1968 and was by none other than Richard Nixon. From wiki:

"Sock it to me" also became a catchphrase. During the September 16, 1968 episode, Richard Nixon, running for president, appeared for a few seconds with a disbelieving vocal inflection, asking "Sock it to me?" Nixon was not doused or assaulted. An invitation was extended to Nixon's opponent, Vice-President Hubert Humphrey, but he declined. According to George Schlatter, the show's creator, "Humphrey later said that not doing it may have cost him the election."

Rowan and Martin was the number one television show of that year by the way with Gomer Pyle as number two. Nixon by the way ran on a "peace" platform and vowed to end the Vietnam War.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

more on teabag story

I found this on the Daily Kos and it is a snip of the remarks made by David Shuster of MSNBC news on the "tea bag" event. Kinda fun and very informative.

Not a protea argument.


Tea Party St. Louis

One fun thing to watch today is the "fake" tea party. This is not a grassroots deal, but an organized effort by GOP. They are testing the waters to see what issues will connect to the American public and tax policy has always been GOP favored issue. In Missouri, there are 14 locations having a demonstration. 750 events in 50 states planned and Fox news has been promoting these for months. Some of GOP planners are taking a page from Obama's playbook and trying an internet recruiting drive by using facebook and twitter. Maybe they wish to compete with Move On folks?

Last month, there was a tea demonstration at the Arch and it got great news coverage. That was a test by the way to guage public support and media coverage.

Here is details and will no doubt have heavy news coverage. I am surprised no demonstrations at St. Charles, Mexico or Farmington. There is one at Cape Girardeau at 5 PM.

By the way, most folks dislike having tax monies wasted; not just the conservatives. The Ides of April (though technically the Ides of April is the 13th) is not a happy time for many folks

City: St. Louis
When: April 15, 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Where: Kiener PlazaContact:
Phone: 314.266.1775

Good story ABC news:

Single Payer Missouri Ethical Society upcoming event

April 19, 2009, St. Louis, MO Energetic Single Payer Advocate Congressman Eric Massa Eric Massa, who chairs the Congressional Caucus for single payer health care, will give the 2009 Health Care Platform Lecture at 11 a.m., Sunday, April 19, at the Ethical Society of St. Louis, 9001 Clayton Road. His talk, “Washington’s Hidden Treasure: HR 676” is hosted by Missourians for Single Payer

------------- short bio

Within less than a week of being sworn in as the new Congressman from New York’s 29th Congressional District, Eric Massa proudly informed Rep. John Conyers that he will co-sponsor HR676. Massa also proclaimed his intent to be active in his support of the bill to provide publicly funded, privately delivered healthcare to every Amercian.

Many of CNA/NNOC’s tireless RNs will remember visiting Massa’s district during the election season with the bus tour that brought the RNs report card on candidates’ healthcare reform plans to the battleground states and districts. In addition to being a staunch supporter of healthcare reform, Massa is a cancer survivor and a 24-year veteran of the U.S. Navy. He defeated a Republican incumbent to take the Congressional seat and wasted no time diving into the work that needs to be done in Washington. Like many candidates from this cycle, Massa took on tough issues and fought hard — and still has bills to pay from the campaign.

Any individuals who may wish to congratulate Rep. Massa on his co-sponsorship or help him in any way can visit his campaign site link above. Massa made a special point during his swearing-in reception to thank the nurses who traveled to his district to talk to voters about healthcare and those activists on the ground in his district who stood by him even when the going got tough. ------------------------------------

HR676 Rally Las Angeles

The vid below is a recient LA demonstration in support of HR676. The organizers have the following message for upcoming action:

Then join with single payer activists from around the country to help plan a local Day of Action on May 30 (
This is April 6, 09 demonstration in LA. The sea of blue is the California's Teachers Union by the way. Some of the demonstrators are decrying the exclusion of "Single Payer" options from the California plan and the Obama administration health care discussions.

Single payer options like HR676 are not on the table appearently and folks supporting this are being excluded.

from NBC LA news


Monday, April 13, 2009

Flaws medicare program

Afternoon folks

This video from Family First was shown our group many years ago. It highlights three major flaws in the medicare drug program. Representative Carnahan and Representative Emmerson offered some fixes, but that leglislation died. To date, almost nothing done to solve these problems and hundreds of billions of dollars continue to be wasted each year.

Senator's Bond's reply was that "seniors were happy" with drug program and cited a very flawed study. Not any senior I know has this view, especially union folks. Ditto that reply from ex-senator Jim Talent for they fit the "talking points" of the time exactly.

For those whom missed this, Walter Cronkite is the narrator. More info at:

Everyone might wish to refresh on this vid. And again, nothing has changed in last three years since vid was released. also make note of the video in previous post on the politics of this bill getting thru congress.



Medicare Rx bill: politics of passage

Hello and good morning.

The following is an old one from 60 minutes dealing with the politics of the passage of the Medicare RX script bill. We did go over this long ago, but these folks do a fine job of presenting. Note: This is copywrited materials and will withdraw if objections made:

Look for some simular politics over the Obama health care plans and note, some preliminary politics going on now over any healthcare change. Watch the evening news broadcasts and pay attention to some of the ads.


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A century of Steel

Another excellent vid from Fox news, St. Louis. Again, this is copyrighted article and will withdraw if Fox objects. Again, this will be discussed at May meeting

Rally on eastside buy American 4-07-09

Hope you folks got out and voted today. Ralph and I went to see Claire this morning and then made it to the Rally on the Eastside. Kmov and Fox covered the rally, as did several papers in stories today.

This is the vid from Fox news in St. Louis. It is copyrighted snip and I shall withdraw if objections made over copyright. Fox did a second story "A century of Steel" and it is excellent vid.

My hats off to Fox, Kmov and KSD over the last couple months. They have done better at covering some of these stories last few months than they have in years. One hopes they continue.

This will be discussed at May meeting:


This is what Post Dispatch said and ditto copyright comments:

Crowd, mostly of laid-off steelworkers, rally to 'Buy American'
Tuesday, Apr. 07 2009
GRANITE CITY -- Hundreds of laid-off steelworkers, nearly all waving 'Buy American' signs, rallied today to get their jobs back.The rally at the Port Authority at River's Edge was a display of nationalism that may continue as the recession drags on. At the far end of the area where the rally was staged stood dozens and dozens of steel green pipes that rallygoers said were made in India for a pipeline from Canada to the Wood River refinery.One of the speakers was Russ Saltsgaver, who is president of Steelworkers Local 1899. He told those at the rally, referring to the foreign-made pipe, "This pipe is a symbol of what's gone wrong with American trade laws... We can do it, we're capable of doing it, we damn well want to do it."About a half-dozen speakers, mostly union officials and lobbyists, urged the crowd to pressure their elected officials to uphold trade laws and buy American-made goods.Many in the crowd work at U.S. Steel's Granite City Works, which has been shut down except for a skeleton crew since late last year.The rally drew a sizeable crowd under sunny skies and with a cold wind blowing.


Laid-off workers are fired up over Asian steel
Bill Lambrecht WASHINGTON, Apr 07, 2009 (St. Louis Post-Dispatch - McClatchy-Tribune Information Services via COMTEX) --
Even before trainloads of Asian steel started rolling into the Metro East, the "Buy American" provisions in the stimulus package offered hope for hollowed-out steel towns like Granite City.

But the arrival in recent weeks of thousands of tons of steel stamped "Made in India" for a Canada-to-Illinois pipeline has inflamed passions among laid-off steelworkers and advocates of "Buy American."
Granite City is the latest battleground in a campaign that has reached out to more than 800 cities, towns and state governments, calling on authorities to pass Buy American resolutions. Organizers have been successful in Madison, Maryville and Pontoon Beach.
Today, hundreds of Buy American proponents will hold a rally at the Port Authority at River's Edge. It will be the sort of display of nationalism that might occur more frequently as the recession continues -- the kind of protests not welcomed by defenders of global trade.
Flatbed trains laden with the massive Indian steel pipes, each weighing several tons, will serve as a the backdrop for complaints about imports of subsidized steel from China and India. Many in the crowd will be steelworkers from U.S. Steel's Granite City Works, shut down except for a skeleton crew since late last year.
"You start getting upset when you realize all that steel that could have been processed a half-mile down the road," said Jeff Rains, the retired Granite City steelworker who stumbled on the imported steel in February.
The campaign is pressuring Missouri and Illinois to enforce "Buy American" rules of the economic recovery program when they distribute the gusher of construction money arriving from Washington. The rules call for American-made materials unless it hikes a project's cost by more than 25 percent.
Both states say they have been abiding by similar rules but that the new law can work to weed out contractors intent on sneaking in foreign products.
"We constantly fight foreign steel. It's a top issue at every construction site -- an issue we've been struggling with for some time," said the Illinois Department of Transportation's David Lippert.
When steel from China, India or any nondomestic source shows up, Lippert said, the order goes out that "we can't pay for it. Get it off the job."
In Missouri, transportation officials made certain to enforce Buy American when becoming the first state to award a stimulus project -- on an Osage River bridge needing steel. American steel also will be used on the new $640 million Mississippi River Bridge approved before the stimulus, officials said.
Dave Nichols, the Missouri Department of Transportation's director of program delivery, said the Buy American provisions are being felt even though similar rules existed. "They've had an impact, putting fabricators in our state and surrounding states to work," he said. "They're all hungry. It's been a very positive thing and we'd like to do more of it."
Yet the Buy American wording is troubling to business interests, who fought in Congress to dilute it. They fear higher costs and more pro-worker legislation in Congress. They also worry about retaliation from trading partners that could obstruct the flow of products.
John Murphy, vice president for international affairs at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, argued that the Buy American campaign already has generated a backlash against U.S. interests abroad.
"Companies in all kinds of sectors tell us that they are being confronted with charges of outrageous protectionism back home and being put in a position of having to defend U.S. action," he said.
President Barack Obama warned about negative global reaction. Last month, a federal entity called the Civilian Agency Acquisition Council issued guidelines for Buy American that restricted the law to construction materials such as steel and left open the possibility that components could come from foreign sources.
Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood, a former GOP congressman from Peoria, sounded less than enthusiastic when asked about the new rules. "That's something that's been talked about by other people in the administration. It doesn't really make any difference what I think about it; we're going to do what Congress tells us to do," he said.
In its final version, the Buy American provisions would appear to take aim at countries that haven't eliminate protectionism in public procurement and who subsidize steel -- particularly China and India.
For India, source of all that steel in Granite City, U.S. government records identify more than 20 Indian government subsidies for steel. The effect is to make it hard for steel from places such as Granite City to compete in the global market.
Two years ago, TransCanada, the company building the 2,150-mile Keystone Pipeline with ConocoPhillips, looked at steel prices and other factors when choosing India as one of its sources for the $12 billion venture. By the end of this year, the company plans for the pipeline to carry oil from northern Alberta to Wood River and on to a hub in Patoka, Ill., 77 miles to the east.
Jim Prescott, TransCanada's Chicago-based spokesman, said his company "understands and completely sympathizes with the plight of steelworkers." He added: "This will employ thousands of union workers in construction of the project and putting the pipe in the ground ... It's almost fair to say this is a union project."
Even so, those Indian inscriptions stenciled inside all that TransCanada steel remind steelworkers like Doug May of Collinsville what's been lost. May, 54, a steelworker for 36 years, was laid off from his job as a crane operator at U.S. Steel in December.
"It would keep our plant busy 24 hours a day seven days a week just for this portion of the pipeline," he said. "It's almost reached a point where you wonder whether we have lost so much manufacturing that we have to go outside of our borders now." To see more of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, or to subscribe to the newspaper, go
to Copyright (c) 2009, St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services. For reprints, email, call 800-374-7985 or 847-635-6550, send a fax
to 847-635-6968, or write to The Permissions Group Inc., 1247 Milwaukee Ave.,
Suite 303, Glenview, IL 60025, USA.
Copyright (C) 2009, St. Louis Post-Dispatc

---also from Post Dispatch


Kmov story and they have vid at site:

Protest staged in Granite City over India-made steel
06:10 PM CDT on Tuesday, April 7, 2009
GRANITE CITY, Ill. (AP) -- Organizers of a protest in a southern Illinois city where 2,000 steelworkers have been laid off say thousands of tons of foreign-made steel being brought into the area are a slap in the face.

About 1,000 people rallied Tuesday against the backdrop of piles of green-colored piping made from steel from India. Many of the protesters have been laid off since December from the United States Steel plant in Granite City.
Those pipes will be used for a 2,000-mile pipeline being built from Alberta, Canada, to Wood River, just north of Granite City.
The rally's organizers say the steel used in such pipes could be made at the idled Granite City plant. And they're asking governments along the pipeline's path to say no to the project unless U.S.-made steel is used.
(Copyright 2009 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved (this is same story In Chicago Tribune and KC Star)

Friday, April 3, 2009

Missouri steelworkers Joplin "crisis"

This is from Springfield station KOLR and deals with steelworkers asking Jay Nixon to take action on important enviromental health crisis in some parts of the state. April 2, 2009 was date of broadcast