It pleased me greatly to stand with steelworkers locked out in Metropolis, IL. today.
Steelworkers from several areas (including a good group from Granite City} we also in attendance. Director Jim Robinson, Jeff Rains, Dave Dowling and a couple score of eaststders made the trip. Other District 7 folks and leaders we there
Impressive as well was the public support shown by the local community.
Local 7-669 had the right stuff today and has earned the respect of labor.
-----article: http://www.westkentuckystar.com/Featured-News/USW-Union-Members---Supporters-Rally-in-Metropolis
USW Union Members & Supporters Rally in Metropolis
By WestKyStar Staff
METROPOLIS, IL - A community rally, organized by the United Steel Workers Local 7-669, was held Saturday afternoon in Metropolis. Organizers praised those in attendance for coming out in such huge numbers.
Hundreds of union workers, along with families and supporters from southern Illinois and western Kentucky, marched through Metropolis to Fort Massac State Park to send a message of solidarity to Honeywell and other employees in the area. Union groups from surrounding communities attended as USW leaders spoke to the large crowd gathered following the march. Illinois politicians also took to the podium at Fort Massac to encourage the striking union members and their families.
Union employees reportedly were locked out of the Honeywell plant on June 28th when their Local 7-669 would not guarantee a 24 hour notice prior to possibly going on strike.
Negotiations since June between Honeywell and the union representatives have failed to produce a resolve, but are scheduled to resume August 10th.
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