Friday, July 8, 2011

dear Claire M of Missouri my pledge to you

I could not get thru your mailbox today--phone, but I did get ahold of a staffer later this afternoon. Alas, the staffer told me your office could not respond to my phone call nor would I recieve your positions on social security, medicare or medicaid in these budget talks.

This is what I said to your staffer and as vice president of Soar 11-3 (retired steelworkers and member of the Alliance Retired Americans). the support part is what I told staffer

My pledge:

I will not support in the upcoming elections any politican whom seeks to cut social security or medicare (add medicaid). Social Security and Medicare did not contribute to the problem and I will not see myself, children and grandchildren continue to pay for perks for the wealthy.

Your last election: I contributed both time and resources to drum out the vote for you. Should you side with the cutters, consider that at an end. In case you forgot, you barely got elected and my groups helped your cause greatly. Soar 11-3 has members and supporters in about 40 percent of this state in some in southern Illinois

were the election for Missouri senate occur today, you dear senator would lose. Alas, so far the teabag and GOP opposition is not of the highest quality and normially would be supported only by republicans and fools.

I, as many in my groups, might simply opt not to vote in that election for democrats whom will not support popular and necessary social programs such as social security.
Forget monies, phone call support, organizing and more.

Do us a favor, switch parties if you are going to be a republican light. Do not expect retirement folks and union folks to vote for you should you stick it to them.
Better to have one less democrat in the senate than a right-wing traitor to the democratic cause.

Keep your position letter, your actions will speak louder than words.

and yes, I shall read this to the soar group and make it known through-out the Afl-cio and steelworkers

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