Saturday, September 1, 2012

A Campaign Full of Mediscare

A Campaign Full of Mediscare

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These boasts about saving Medicare are simply opinion. Each side says it has the right plan, while the other side is going about it all wrong — though voters would be hard-pressed to figure out what exactly those plans are from campaign ads and stump speeches.
The Obama approach is to stay with government-provided traditional Medicare while putting pressure on health care providers to deliver care more efficiently, and instituting new payment models and coordination of care to cut costs. The Romney-Ryan plan turns to competition among insurance companies to lower costs and premium-support payments to induce seniors to pick their health plans based on price.
The commonality for the campaigns is: “We promised too much in Medicare; we need to reduce costs,” says Walker. “What’s the best way to do that?”
“It really is, which way do you think you have a better shot,” Wilenksy says. And, she says, it’s a good debate to have.
So far, though, we’re not having that debate on the campaign trail. “It’s very interesting trying to get any credible information with all the smoke being blown,” Wilensky says, “which is too bad because these are very serious issues.”

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