Wednesday, September 11, 2013

some veto override fails in Missouri

Paycheck Deception and Radical Tax '"Reform" Bill Defeated in Veto Session Today, bipartisan opposition blocked the veto override of two dangerous bills in Missouri - Paycheck Deception (SB 29) and the radical tax reform bill (HB 253). Paycheck Deception would have taken away the political voice of Missouri's workers such as teachers, nurses and other middle class Missourians. Instead of creating jobs, some legislators wanted to play political games and strip away the rights of Missouri's workers. Thanks to support from both parties, Paycheck Deception failed to pass out of the Senate with enough votes. HB 253 is a radical tax "reform" bill that would have left the Missouri budget with an estimated at least $700 million shortfall and forced cuts to education, health care, and other public services such as transportation. While it would have substantially cut income taxes for lawyers and corporations, it would have raised everyday costs on items like prescription drugs for Missouri’s seniors and forced layoffs in school districts across the state. HB 253 was an unnecessary giveaway to the rich and powerful at the expense of working class Missourians and our children’s future. It also looks like the gun law nullication bill will fail in senate

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