Tuesday, January 26, 2016

madison county, Illinois caucus night

Here is your chance….The Madison County Democratic Party will be holding a straw poll on February 1, 2016 to coincide with the Iowa Caucuses at the Neighborhood Social Club, 4168 IL-Highway 162, Granite City, IL
Doors open at 5:30pm the Caucus Meetings will begin promptly at 6:30 PM

All Democratic voters are invited to support their choice of the three major Democratic presidential candidates. Undecided voters are also welcome to come, listen and then decide to support a candidate
Participants will check in at the front table and then enter the meeting. Caucus goers will notice there will be banners designating areas for the three announced Democratic candidates. They may choose to congregate in the area designated for their choice or simply take a seat.
After introductions from local Party and Elected Officials, the facilitator will explain the proceeding and encourage participants to go to the designated area for their choice of candidate. Participants can discuss among themselves and designate a representative for their campaign. After 10 minutes, each campaign will be given time to make a speech supporting their candidate. Campaigns may chose multiple spokespersons but each campaign will be given equal time (6 minutes maximum). Afterwards there will be 10 minutes in which undecided voters may approach candidate groups to ask questions privately. 
At the conclusion of this period, voters will choose a campaign by joining one of the groups. Up until the moment the final count is announced, voters may move freely from each group to another. The facilitator will announce the final count at which time the voters are locked in and a campaign representative will count voters in their group. Caucus staff will verify the campaign’s count before it is announced.

The facilitator will announce the final count and the meeting will be officially closed. This will occur at approximately 7:30PM.

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