Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Missouri speaker sounds doubtful over 'right to work' : News

Missouri speaker sounds doubtful over 'right to work' : News: Democrats say the push for the anti-union laws would be a distraction after its failure in September.

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JEFFERSON CITY • When it comes to a GOP-led charge to make Missouri a “right to work” state, a top Republican is throwing cold water on one of the hot-button issues of the last legislative session.
In an interview with the Post-Dispatch, House Speaker Todd Richardson sounded doubtful that right to work would be a top goal for Republicans when the House and Senate return Wednesday.
“I think you’re going to see debate on labor reform. Whether that includes right to work or not I think is an open question at this point,” Richardson said. “I don’t intend to have another Pyrrhic discussion on right to work.”
Right to work became an explosive issue in both the Republican-dominated House and Senate during the 2015 session. Gov. Jay Nixon, a Democrat, vetoed the legislation. But, even with strong super-majorities in both chambers, an override failed when 20 Republicans in the House stood with unions, which bitterly oppose the proposed law.
The measure would prohibit union membership as a condition of employment. Proponents say the changes would help the state attract businesses and therefore increase wages.

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