Monday, February 29, 2016

Illinois Elections

Illinois Elections:

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links provided rock the vote folks

Missouri Elections rock the vote

Missouri Elections:

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Major Newspaper Endorses Marco Rubio. Nobody Cares.

paycheck deception in Missouri urgent afl alert


Last week I emailed you to call your senator and tell them to vote against paycheck deception. Well, the Senate delayed the vote on this dangerous bill, but it’s now on the calendar for a vote this week, and could come up today.
We’re hearing that this vote is going to come down to the wire.
- Mike

From: Mike Louis, Missouri AFL-CIO
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2016 2:32 PM
Subject: Call now to stop paycheck deception
I’ve got some bad news. Extreme politicians in Jefferson City are moving quickly on a bill--called paycheck deception--to silence the voices of nurses, teachers and other working people in our state.
Despite what those extremists will tell you, this bill is simply a political attack being pushed by out-of-state millionaires and billionaires. It would make it harder for nurses, teachers and other working people who make our communities strong to bargain for better equipment, safer workplaces and fair pay.
The House already passed this dangerous legislation with just enough votes to override a veto from Governor Nixon and the Senate is expected to vote on it any day. But it’s not over yet. We can still defeat this bill but we need to shore up support from your senator.
Despite a huge push from out-of-state billionaires and their out-of-touch politician pals in Jefferson City, we were able to stop paycheck deception last year. But they’re back with a vengeance this year and lobbying harder than ever.
They know that if they get this bill passed that they can grab more power away from working people in Missouri by limiting their ability to advance legislation that would create good jobs and raise wages for Missourians.
Even though extreme lawmakers were able to get it passed last week in the House, we still have a shot to stop it--but only if we call now to tell our senators to oppose it.
In Solidarity,
Mike Louis
President, Missouri AFL-CIO

How Trump University Scams Defrauded Students

The Dog That Voted and Other Election Fraud Yarns | Mother Jones

The Dog That Voted and Other Election Fraud Yarns | Mother Jones:

click link  note:  this is old article, but one to be retold, retold and retold


ON ELECTION DAY 2000, AS officials in Florida wrestled with butterfly ballots and hanging chads, Thor Hearne—then the Missouri counsel for the Bush-Cheney campaign—faced a crisis. It had been a frantic day marked by long lines, improperpurging of names from voter lists, and hundreds of voters turned away from the polls. As the problems in the overwhelmingly Democratic city mounted, the Gore campaign went to court to ask that the polls stay open three more hours. A judge granted the request, but Hearne appealed, and in short order, the decision wasoverturned.
Republicans were apoplectic over the Democrats' maneuver. At stake were not only Missouri's Electoral College votes, but also the fate of GOP Sen. John Ashcroft, who was locked in a tough reelection battle against a popular longtime rival, Democratic Gov. Mel Carnahan. Carnahan had died in a plane crash a few weeks before the election, but his widow, Jean, was set to serve in his stead. In the end, even as Bush carried the state, Ashcroft lost to a dead man.
Ritzy Meckler, a springer spaniel whom some jokester had registered to vote, never cast a ballot—but she did become a cause célèbre for Republicans.
Missouri's senior senator, Kit Bond, fumed that Democrats had conducted "a criminal enterprise" designed to fraudulently register voters during the campaign and then create chaos on Election Day to cover it up. Republican losses, Bond told reporters, were due in part to dogs and dead people voting. Ritzy Meckler, a springer spaniel whom some jokester had registered to vote by mail, became a cause célèbre. A few months later, Missouri's Republican secretary of state, Matt Blunt, released a report concluding that St. Louis Democrats had mounted "an organized and 

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Beijing Becomes World’s Billionaire Capital as Market Collapse Looms

Beijing Becomes World’s Billionaire Capital as Market Collapse Looms:

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The billions in wealth that have been created through years of overleveraging are unlikely to last.

After minting 32 new billionaires during the surge in the highly leveraged Chinese economy, Beijing has eclipsed New York for the first time as the so-called "billionaire capital of the world," winning the dubious contest 100 to 95. The publication that announced the finding, Hurun, attributed China’s explosive wealth creation to Chinese stock market deregulation, enabling a flood of new initial public offerings.

Beijing’s claim to the throne may have a short expiration date. As Hurun founder Rupert Hoogewerf noted, "had the calculation been made at the market’s peak last summer, the number of Beijing billionaires would have been nearly 150."

In fact, these numbers may drop precipitously in years to come in light of analyst reports that the Chinese stock market has an addiction to American-style derivatives products and overleveraging. Using these derivatives products, including mortgage backed securities (RMBS) and commercial mortgage backed securities (CMBS), the Chinese have built entire cities said to rival Manhattan, but with one big problem – they are entirely uninhabited. That means the underlying loans will fail, but it gets worse.

(FULL) Mondelēz’ is Shipping 600 Nabisco American Jobs to Mexico

AFL-CIO President Rich Trumka Tells Senate Republicans #DoYourJob on #SC...

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Nevada’s GOP Caucus Appears To Be Completely FUBAR

Nevada’s GOP Caucus Appears To Be Completely FUBAR:

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Once doors opened to Republican voters at caucus sites across Nevada Tuesday evening, it wasn't long before reports of chaos amid high turnout began trickling in. 
GOP officials had some concerns in the days leading up to the caucuses about whether Nevada was sufficiently prepared for the big event. The state doesn’t have a lot of experience running caucuses, since it only began administering the system in 2008. Nevada also had problems tallying votes during the GOP's 2012 caucus -- in that instance, it took three days to determine the final results.
Reporters at several caucus locations described a chaotic scene Tuesday, with overwhelmed volunteer poll workers running out of ballots and in some cases failing to check voter identification.
Some poll workers wore clothing expressing their support of specific candidates, a fact that surprised many reporters. BuzzFeed, citing an unnamed state GOP source, reported that caucus volunteers are allowed to wear such attire. The Nevada Republican Party tweeted the same thing later in the evening.
note:  young turks reporters kicked out at one event, twitter ablaze with "stories".
looks like good night for gop

Jimmy Dore Reports Live From Nevada dem

Communist propaganda - Or common sense?

Filing a HIPAA Complaint |

Filing a HIPAA Complaint |

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Filing a Complaint

If you believe that a HIPAA-covered entity or its business associate violated your (or someone else’s) health information privacy rights or committed another violation of the Privacy, Security, or Breach Notification Rules, you may file a complaint with the Office for Civil Rights (OCR). OCR can investigate complaints against covered entities (health plans, health care clearinghouses, or health care providers that conduct certain transactions electronically) and their business associates.

note:  I suspect I will be using this form shortly,  Just had a Colonoscopy

seems it not free even though process is clearly preventative medicine.

since Silgan containers ditched health insurance for retirees of the Saint Louis plant and dumped us upon variations of obamacare; listen not to folks telling you procedure is fully covered

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Oil CEO takes home $18 million after cutting 20% of workers - NY Daily News

Oil CEO takes home $18 million after cutting 20% of workers - NY Daily News:



Though his profits and workforce have been drying up, an oil company CEO was awarded more than $18 million for his work in 2015.
Schlumberger, the world's largest oil field service, cut 25,000 jobs last year, or 20% of its workforce, according to CNN.
Profits for CEO Paal Kibsgaard’s company, which operates in more than 85 countries, were down 40% as prices for black gold continued the downward slide beginning two years ago.
note:  25.000 jobs

Superdelegates, Clarify Your Role - The New York Times

Superdelegates, Clarify Your Role - The New York Times:

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Last week,, a voter action group that has endorsed Mr. Sanders, began a petition drive demanding that superdelegates pledge to back the winner of the national popular vote. About 350,000 people have signed this petition and a related one. Next up are petition drives in each of the 50 states, targeting individual superdelegates.
“The key to winning the presidency in November will be mobilizing tremendous grass-roots enthusiasm, and nothing would take the wind out of people’s sails faster than to have the Democratic nominee chosen by party insiders,” said Ben Wikler, MoveOn’s Washington director. Mr. Wikler says that if Mrs. Clinton wins the popular vote, superdelegates who support Mr. Sanders should likewise vote for her.
Some of these worries seem overblown. Superdelegates can switch allegiance at any time, and a big chunk of them already say they’ll remain uncommitted until a clear primary winner emerges. Mr. Sanders said Sunday that if he secures a clear lead in the primaries, he’s confident he’ll win over Mrs. Clinton’s superdelegates. And many party leaders will think twice before pressing for the nomination of a candidate voters have rejected. In 2008, Mrs. Clinton held a superdelegate lead, but when she lost the primaries to Barack Obama her superdelegates mounted no insurgency at the convention.

Koch Brothers Declare War On Electric Cars

Friday, February 19, 2016

Scalia was an intellectual phony: Can we please stop calling him a brilliant jurist?

Scalia was an intellectual phony: Can we please stop calling him a brilliant jurist?

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Scalia was an intellectual phony: Can we please stop calling him a brilliant jurist?EnlargeAntonin Scalia (Credit: Reuters/Kevin Lamarque)
George Orwell once noted that when an English politician dies “his worst enemies will stand up on the floor of the House and utter pious lies in his honour.”  Antonin Scalia was neither English, nor technically speaking a politician, but a similar tradition can be witnessed in the form of the praise now being heaped on him.
For example prominent liberal legal academic and former Obama administration lawyer Cass Sunstein has just offered the opinion that Scalia “was not only one of the most important justices in the nation’s history, he was also among the greatest.”  Scalia’s greatness, Sunstein claims, “lies in his abiding commitment to one ideal above any other: the rule of law.”
Sunstein’s assessment strikes me as not merely wrong, but as the precise opposite of the truth.  Scalia was not a great judge: he was a bad one.  And his badness consisted precisely in his contempt for the rule of law, if by “the rule of law” one means the consistent application of legal principles, without regard to the political consequences of applying those principles in a consistent way.

Caught on Film - The Cost Of Free Trade

Hillary For President Cold Open - SNL

MSNBC Nevada Democratic Town Hall: The Young Turks Summary

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

tammy duckworth visit to southern illinois tomorrow

I just found out the Labor Temple meeting with Congressman Duckworth in the morning was a request from their campaign to meet with Steelworkers that are currently laid off.

She is having two more public meetings tomorrow in the area with open invitations at Pitcher’s restaurant in Belleville at 11:30 a.m. and at the Steamfitter’s Hall in Caseyville at 3:30 p.m.  

 Sorry for the confusion.
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Dennis Barker 
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 4:33 PM
Subject: Tammy Duckworth Visit

I know this is short notice but Illinois Senate candidate Tammy Duckworth will visit with the Steelworkers tomorrow morning at the Labor Temple in the ICD Conference room at 9:30am.

We would like to have several of our SOAR members to attend this meet and greet with Congresswoman Duckworth.

The $3 trillion elephant in the presidential campaign : News

The $3 trillion elephant in the presidential campaign : News:

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Remember the heated discussions about health care in the Republican debates? No, you don’t, because they were arguing about things like fantasy football. In fact, all we heard about health care was, “Repeal Obamacare!”
We get it, being a member of The Repeal Obamacare Club is a prerequisite for running for president on the GOP ticket, as is having no plan with which to replace it.
Jeb Bush promotes tax credits for individuals to purchase “affordable” and “portable” plans. We hope Bush thinks “affordable” means less than 10 percent of annual income, but given that he wants to retain the same insurance industry whose bureaucracy now consumes 30 percent of every health care dollar, it’s unlikely.
Ben Carson supports health savings accounts, a great idea for healthy and wealthy individuals, but a terrible idea for everyone else who would be more deeply trapped in increasingly expensive plans. It’s a particularly bad idea for women, whose annual cost of care typically is $1,000 more than it is for men.
Ted Cruz crows, “Repeal every blasted word of Obamacare.” With what? All the problems Obamacare addressed? Crisis treatment in ERs instead of prudent prevention? Denials for pre-existing conditions? Denials for people with the audacity to get sick and actually use their insurance? Annual and lifetime caps?
Improved Medicare for All Act, co-sponsored by Rep. William Lacy Clay and 63 other U.S. representatives. It’s a comprehensive plan with robust details. It provides full coverage without premiums, like people enjoy in all other advanced countries, at roughly half of what we spend per person in the United States today.
Any candidate who isn’t forthcoming with these details is ignoring our current dire reality. Our health care system has a literal death grip on this nation. It is the new “giant sucking sound” of money being vacuumed from our entire economy and into health care’s deep, private-profit pockets.
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More than another cycle of modest reform, we need to base our solution upon our nation’s most successful health care system, Medicare. We need to divorce our health insurance from our employers, releasing businesses from that burden and giving job mobility back to employees. We need to implement universal access to health care, paid for by progressive taxes, delivered by the world’s best doctors and hospitals. We need to replace our woefully wasteful private insurance system with the efficiency of Medicare.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Teddy Roosevelt Speech on Social and Industrial Justice

living wage?  industrial justice?  teddy wanted a type of universal healthcare.'

san juan hill he won, these are ongoing battles

sad,teddy would not even on the debate stage of the gop in this era

Carrier Employees React To Layoff, Jobs Moving To Mexico

Sunday, February 14, 2016

list of Hilary Illinois superdelegates so far

superdelegates in Illinois that have already pledged support to HRC.

Carrie Austin - DNC
Cheri Bustos - Rep.
Jerry Costello - DNC
John Cullerton - DNC
Danny Davis - Rep.
Tammy Duckworth - Rep.
Dick Durbin - Sen.
Rajiv Fernando - DNC
Bill Foster - Rep.
Luis Gutierrez - Rep.
John Keller - DNC
Robin Kelly - Rep.
Jayne Mazzotti - DNC
Steven Powell - DNC
Mike Quigley - Rep.
Laura Rickets - DNC
Carol Ronen - DNC
Jan Schakowsky - Rep.
Karen Yarbrough - DNC

Why Clinton Vs Trump Is A Nightmare Scenario

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Wall Street Journal ATTACKS Bernie Sanders

Obama's Clean-Power Plan Put on Hold by U.S. Supreme Court - Bloomberg Politics

Obama's Clean-Power Plan Put on Hold by U.S. Supreme Court - Bloomberg Politics:

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A divided U.S. Supreme Court blocked a new federal regulation that would cut emissions from power plants, putting a hold on President Barack Obama’s most ambitious effort to combat climate change.
The justices, in a 5-4 order, heeded calls from utilities, coal miners and more than two dozen states to halt the Environmental Protection Agency rule while court challenges go forward. Foes say the agency is overstepping its authority and intruding on states’ rights. Supreme Court intervention casts doubt on the legal prospects for the program, suggesting concerns among a majority of the nine justices.
The court action Tuesday “confirms that the legal justification for the Clean Power Plan should be examined by the courts before scarce state and private resources are used to develop state plans," said Melissa McHenry, a spokeswoman for American Electric Power Co., one of the biggest coal users among U.S. utilities.
note:  clear split on court--all conservatives voted for the hold

Don't Vote 2 - The Sequel

Madeleine Albright: There’s A Special Place In Hell For Women Who Don’t ...

Cop Murders Teen Then Sues Family For $10 Million

Science Explains Why You Want To Punch Ted Cruz

Friday, February 5, 2016

RWW News: Jones: Bernie Sanders Will Create Forced Labor Camps Like Mao ...

what a moron tossing horsepucky

‘Steel workers, unions are going to work to fight against TPP’ – labor l...

Rachel Maddow made them fight: She’s the reason for the tense Hillary/Bernie fireworks

Rachel Maddow made them fight: She’s the reason for the tense Hillary/Bernie firewor

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Secretary Clinton, you’ve made it clear when you look at Senator Sanders, you do not see a president, but do you see … do you see a vice president? [Clinton laughs.] Would you unite the party by trying to pick Senator Sanders as your running mate?
There’s no better evidence of the Democratic Party’s desperate desire for a united front against the looming specter of loony Republicans than this question, the political equivalent of politely asking mom and dad if they will get back together. The debate was revealing, but the questions were even more so; arguments about how to arrange the deck chairs gave way to the realization that the Titanic is sinking. Sanders quipped, “On our worst days, I think it is fair to say we are 100 times better than any Republican candidate.” The crowd cheered. And after closing statements, when Maddow and Todd said goodbye to the candidates, Maddow made sure to hug each.

MSNBC Democratic Debate FULL HD New Hampshire Hillary Clinton Bernie San...

Thursday, February 4, 2016

St. Louis Mardi Gras 'Mayor's Ball' won't include the mayor : News

St. Louis Mardi Gras 'Mayor's Ball' won't include the mayor : News:

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ST. LOUIS  •  The annual Mardi Gras "Mayor's Ball" will be missing its mayor.
Mayor Francis Slay has presided over the black tie gala at City Hall for more than a decade. But this year, the masked, costume soiree will happen without its signature host.
Slay, along with his Deputy Chief of Staff Patrick Brown, will be in New Hampshire knocking on doors for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.
The ball, set for Friday evening, is a fundraiser for the Mardi Gras Foundation, which plans and operates the event.
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"Anne Schweitzer who worked in my reelection campaign three years ago invited me to volunteer," Slay told the Post-Dispatch. "Many voters make up their minds during the final days of the election. I hope to make that decision clearer for them."
Schweitzer has been working in New Hampshire for Clinton for several months. 
Slay added: "I look forward to being able to remind the President of the United States that the mayor of St Louis walked through some snow for her on Super Bowl weekend."

Hillary Clinton Is AMAZING At Coin Flips

Climate Change Explained

LA Files Criminal Charges Over Massive Gas Leak

Hillary Clinton meeting with Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs

Bernie Sanders Is Now Fundraising Off Lloyd Blankfein | | Observer

Bernie Sanders Is Now Fundraising Off Lloyd Blankfein | | Observer:

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CLAREMONT, NH - FEBRUARY 02: Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) gestures to the crowd after speaking at the Claremont Opera House on February 2, 2016 in Claremont, New Hampshire. The New Hampshire primary is February 9. (Photo by Matthew Cavanaugh/Getty Images)
Sen. Bernie Sanders. (Photo: Matthew Cavanaugh for Getty Images)
Lloyd Blankfein’s “dangerous moment” is another opportunity for Sen. Bernie Sanders to raise some cash.
A day after the Goldman Sachs CEO, a fellow Brooklyn native, said the Vermont senator’s presidential candidacy “has the potential to be a dangerous moment,” Mr. Sanders blasted out a fundraising appeal ripping Mr. Blankfein for Wall Street’s role in the 2008 financial collapse.
“I have to say, I find it a little beyond comprehension that Lloyd Blankfein would lecture our campaign about ‘dangerous moments’ after Wall Street received huge bailouts from the working families of this country, when their greed and recklessness caused millions of Americans to lose their jobs, livelihoods, and homes just a few years ago. His arrogance has no end,” Mr. Sanders wrote, asking for a $3 contribution.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Clinton edges Sanders in Madison County Democratic straw poll - The Telegraph -

Clinton edges Sanders in Madison County Democratic straw poll - The Telegraph -

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EDWARDSVILLE — Hillary Clinton nosed out Bernie Sanders in the inaugural Madison County Democratic straw pole, held Monday evening at the Knights of Columbus in Edwardsville.
The secretary of state took in 272 votes, just over Sanders’ 264.
Democratic officials said they were pleased with the turnout, which they called a prime example of “grassroots” democracy.
The rules followed the same rules as the Iowa Caucus, in which voters appear at various public venues to discuss and vote for candidates. Voters do not have to have their minds made up before they appear, and there will also be deputy registrars available for people who have not registered.
Check Tuesday for the full story.

The Biggest Fail Of The Iowa Caucus

Elizabeth Warren's Secret Endorsement of Bernie Sanders