Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Bernie Sanders is right about Obamacare: Here’s why it’s time to talk about single-payer

Bernie Sanders is right about Obamacare: Here’s why it’s time to talk about single-payer



Bernie Sanders is right about Obamacare: Here's why it's time to talk about single-payerEnlargeBernie Sanders(Credit: AP/Andrew Harnik)
The Clinton campaign warns that the single-payer health insurance program proposed by Bernie Sanders would take away coverage and raise taxes, entirely misleading criticisms of the sort that Republicans typically make. One Clinton criticism, however, is political. Clinton argues that “we finally have a path to universal healthcare” and that single-payer would force us to “start over again with a contentious debate. I want us to defend and build on the Affordable Care Act and improve it.”
What we don’t really know, as Greg Sargent points out, is precisely what sort of path to universal coverage Obamacare might provide. That’s because Obamacare is not universal. Instead, it locks in many of the worst features of the private insurance system and forces American consumers to pick up the tab.
Polls consistently show a slight majority opposed to the law. And many people have very good reasons to dislike it.

CNN Iowa Democratic Town Hall: Biggest Controversy

CNN Iowa Democratic Town Hall: Biggest Fail

Why Bernie Sanders Beat Hillary Clinton In This Debate

Trump Blames Ted Cruz For Obamacare

Bernie Sanders @ Iowa Campaign Headquarters - Steel workers Local 310L

madison county, Illinois caucus night

Here is your chance….The Madison County Democratic Party will be holding a straw poll on February 1, 2016 to coincide with the Iowa Caucuses at the Neighborhood Social Club, 4168 IL-Highway 162, Granite City, IL
Doors open at 5:30pm the Caucus Meetings will begin promptly at 6:30 PM

All Democratic voters are invited to support their choice of the three major Democratic presidential candidates. Undecided voters are also welcome to come, listen and then decide to support a candidate
Participants will check in at the front table and then enter the meeting. Caucus goers will notice there will be banners designating areas for the three announced Democratic candidates. They may choose to congregate in the area designated for their choice or simply take a seat.
After introductions from local Party and Elected Officials, the facilitator will explain the proceeding and encourage participants to go to the designated area for their choice of candidate. Participants can discuss among themselves and designate a representative for their campaign. After 10 minutes, each campaign will be given time to make a speech supporting their candidate. Campaigns may chose multiple spokespersons but each campaign will be given equal time (6 minutes maximum). Afterwards there will be 10 minutes in which undecided voters may approach candidate groups to ask questions privately. 
At the conclusion of this period, voters will choose a campaign by joining one of the groups. Up until the moment the final count is announced, voters may move freely from each group to another. The facilitator will announce the final count at which time the voters are locked in and a campaign representative will count voters in their group. Caucus staff will verify the campaign’s count before it is announced.

The facilitator will announce the final count and the meeting will be officially closed. This will occur at approximately 7:30PM.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

The REAL Reason Hillary Has More Endorsements Than Bernie

Black liquor – it’s not what it sounds like.

Nate Silver: Republicans Screwed If They Nominate Trump

Hillary’s big healthcare con: The cynical myth she keeps repeating about Bernie Sanders and single-payer

Hillary’s big healthcare con: The cynical myth she keeps repeating about Bernie Sanders and single-payer

click link


Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton (Credit: Reuters/Brian Snyder)
The Clinton campaign’s cynical capitulation to corporate power appears to be reaching brazen new heights as the Democratic presidential nominee goes on the offensive and publicly attacks her rivals for their advocacy of single-payer healthcare.

Clinton, who has racked up just under $3 million from the healthcare industry in speaking fees over the past two years, has publicly dismissed the “Medicare-for-all” model proposed by Bernie Sanders as well as the publicly administered health insurance option floated during the debates surrounding the Affordable Care Act (ACA), claiming such policy proposals are risky and irresponsible.
Clinton’s position was summed up during the forth Democratic presidential debate with the words: “We have the Affordable Care Act. Let’s make it work.”
There is little doubt that Clinton and the entrenched Democratic Party establishment have little appetite for taking on the medical insurance and pharmaceutical corporate cartel. The call to “build on” the ACA and “make it work” is a campaign promise to the health industry, signaling that under a Clinton administration, business will continue as usual.
And business has been good.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Donald Trump - "Shut Up and Vote for Me" (Capitol Steps song)

Map Library - Enbridge Inc.

Map Library - Enbridge Inc.:

click link

note:  new keystone type proposal and would twice as large as keystone.  alas, most folks never heard of this one and if one views map, would affect us

Claire and Jay do their best for Hillary | Show Me Progress

Claire and Jay do their best for Hillary | Show Me Progress:

click link


– suggested to some that she saw the  writing on the wall when it came to 2016 and she was sure that it spelled “Hillary.” Naturally, so the story goes, McCaskill had some work to do to make nice with the candidate she dissed in 2008 in favor of Barack Obama, hence the early endorsement.
Nor, now that she is committed, is McCaskill a slacker in Clinton’s tightening primary fight against Bernie Sanders. Yesterday she attacked him in the New York Times as an unelectable extremist, declaring that “the Republicans won’t touch him because they can’t wait to run an ad with a hammer and sickle.”
Missouri’s other prominent Democrat, Governor Jay Nixon, also added his two cents to the Times account:
“Here in the heartland, we like our politicians in the mainstream, and he is not — he’s a socialist,” said Gov. Jay Nixon of Missouri, who is term-limited and working to elect a Democratic successor. “He’s entitled to his positions, and it’s a big-tent party, but as far as having him at the top of the ticket, it would be a meltdown all the way down the ballot.”
Heartland! Save me from all the cliches. Of course Democrats maintain a big tent. If we didn’t, neither Nixon nor McCaskill would be welcome. That’s something that the Sanders’ insurgency is making very clear.

note:  fearless leaders in Missouri have spoken 

Sen. Claire McCaskill: Bernie Will DOOM Democratic Party!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

What Country Gets Nearly Half Of Its Electricity From Wind?

Hillary Clinton on Universal Health Care in 2008

Bernie Sanders's Health Care Plan Will Save You THOUSANDS

Stop The Trans Mountain Pipeline Review, Trudeau Urged

Stop The Trans Mountain Pipeline Review, Trudeau Urged:

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VANCOUVER — The mayor of a Vancouver-area city is urging Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to suspend National Energy Board hearings into the proposed Trans Mountain pipeline expansion.
Burnaby Mayor Derek Corrigan sent a letter asking Trudeau to put the review on hold while the federal government implements promised amendments to the way the regulator evaluates projects.
"I am now writing to request that the amendments be expedited to avoid perpetuation of the current, deeply flawed NEB process that the public and your government have already acknowledged is inadequate,'' he wrote in the letter sent Monday.
Interveners are set to present their final arguments at hearings starting next week on Kinder Morgan's US$5.4-billion proposal to triple the capacity of its existing Trans Mountain pipeline from Edmonton to Burnaby.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Right-Wing Attack on Social Security Tries to Convince Us That Retirees Are Better off Than We Imagine @alternet

Right-Wing Attack on Social Security Tries to Convince Us That Retirees Are Better off Than We Imagine @alternet: Ridiculous rhetoric meets Congress' fuzzy math.

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The latest example of this we-know-your-wallet-better-than-you ruse has been a series of commentaries in the Wall Street JournalWashington Post andForbes by Andrew Biggs, a “resident scholar” at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, who was a deputy commissioner of the Social Security Administration under President George W. Bush (who repeatedly tried but failed to privatize Social Security).
“One persistent feature of the conservative attack on Social Security, and especially on the emerging campaign to increase benefits, is the notion that the typical American will do just fine in retirement just as it is,” wrote Michael Hiltzik, the Los Angeles Times’ Pulitzer-Prize winning business writer, summarizing this dubious line of attack as exemplified by Bigg’s Wall Street Journal piece, “New Evidence on the Phony Retirement Security Crisis.”
Bigg relies on an old Washington trick—the introduction of a new economic metric by congressional researchers that support a predetermined conclusion that ignores the reality faced by tens of millions of Americans. In this instance, it’s a new formula for calculating what’s called the “replacement rate,” or what percentage of one’s pre-retirement income will be dispensed in Social Security benefits. Economists typically say about 70 percent of one’s income is needed, of which Social Security is supposed to be one source.
“A typical middle-income individual born in the 1960s and retiring in the 2020s will be eligible for a Social Security benefit equal to 56 percent of his late-in-life earnings,” Biggs cheerily declares in the Wall Street Journal. “The CBO’s [Congressional Budget Office] Social Security figures, taken together with rising individual retirement savings, undercut the often-voiced claim that Americans face a ‘retirement crisis’ that only an expanded Social Security program can fix.”

Paul Krugman: Why I Support Hillary's Vision for Health Care - Not Bernie's | Alternet

Paul Krugman: Why I Support Hillary's Vision for Health Care - Not Bernie's | Alternet:



Krugman admits that Obamacare is far from perfect, an awkward, imperfect solution that does not work for everyone. But he thinks it would be a mistake for Democrats to expend political capital refighting the battle that gave them their biggest victory in decades. Here's how he lays out his case:
If we could start from scratch, many, perhaps most, health economists would recommend single-payer, a Medicare-type program covering everyone. But single-payer wasn’t a politically feasible goal in America, for three big reasons that aren’t going away.

Fight for the White House (The Circus Spot) upcoming showtime series

Fight for the White House (The Circus Spot):

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Fight for the White House (The Circus Spot)

The Circus: Inside the Greatest Political Show on Earth: Get an inside look at the greatest political show on Earth. Don't miss the new Showtime original series The Circus coming in January.

Paul Ryan offer up Alt to Obamacare again

Friday, January 15, 2016

FBN GOP Debate: The Biggest Loser Was...

Kochs Started Tea Party With Stalin's Money.wmv

Chris Christie Barges Into Social Security Question During GOP Debate

Chris Christie Barges Into Social Security Question During GOP Debate:

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New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was the only one who wanted to talk entitlements during Thursday night's GOP debate.
After Sens. Marco Rubio (Fla.) and Ted Cruz (Texas) answered a question on Social Security and Medicare by talking about tax reform, Christie busted into the conversation with a prepared burn.
"I’d like to interrupt this debate in the Senate to answer the actual question you asked, which is on entitlements," Christie said.
Rubio tried to protest, but Christie wouldn't have it: "You already had your chance, Marco -- you blew it."
"The reason why no one wants to answer entitlements up here is because it's hard," Christie said. "I'm the only one that has put forward a detailed entitlement reform plan."
and this plan is part privatize, part raise age and part redo cost of living; much like ryan plan

FBN GOP Debate: The Young Turks Summary

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

NFL owners approve Rams relocation; team will move to L.A.

NFL owners approve Rams relocation; team will move to L.A.: Despite a furious effort to stave off a depressing bout of deja vu, residents in St. Louis will watch their football franchise walk out the door for a second time.


This comes after the NFL Committee on L.A. Opportunities, a group of six owners, voted 5-1 in recommendation of the Carson stadium proposal over Kroenke's Inglewood proposal.
The final vote was 30-2, according to
“This has been the most difficult process of my professional career,” said Rams owner Stan Kroenke Tuesday in a statement. “While we are excited about the prospect of building a new stadium in Inglewood, California, this is bitter sweet. St. Louis is a city known for its incredibly hard-working, passionate and proud people. Being part of the group that brought the NFL back to St. Louis in 1995 is one of the proudest moments of my professional career. Reaching two Super Bowls and winning one are things all St. Louisans should always treasure."
Kroenke has said St. Louis' economy makes it difficult for an NFL franchise to thrive there.
-------------------------personal comment
farewell and do let door hit you in the rear.  looser's if I might quote trump

Missouri speaker sounds doubtful over 'right to work' : News

Missouri speaker sounds doubtful over 'right to work' : News: Democrats say the push for the anti-union laws would be a distraction after its failure in September.

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JEFFERSON CITY • When it comes to a GOP-led charge to make Missouri a “right to work” state, a top Republican is throwing cold water on one of the hot-button issues of the last legislative session.
In an interview with the Post-Dispatch, House Speaker Todd Richardson sounded doubtful that right to work would be a top goal for Republicans when the House and Senate return Wednesday.
“I think you’re going to see debate on labor reform. Whether that includes right to work or not I think is an open question at this point,” Richardson said. “I don’t intend to have another Pyrrhic discussion on right to work.”
Right to work became an explosive issue in both the Republican-dominated House and Senate during the 2015 session. Gov. Jay Nixon, a Democrat, vetoed the legislation. But, even with strong super-majorities in both chambers, an override failed when 20 Republicans in the House stood with unions, which bitterly oppose the proposed law.
The measure would prohibit union membership as a condition of employment. Proponents say the changes would help the state attract businesses and therefore increase wages.

FULL President Obama Last State Of The Union Address #SOTU

Watch S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley deliver GOP response to State of the Union

Cops Held Rapper At Gunpoint For “Stealing" His Own Money

Ted Cruz Says Hillary Clinton Needs a Spanking

Monday, January 11, 2016

worker action at slu hospital, saint louis 1-12, 2016

Join with SLU Hospital Workers
Saint Louis University Hospital
3635 Vista Ave, 63110
Tuesday, January 12th
Tomorrow you have the opportunity to stand with workers at Saint Louis University Hospital, along with other health care workers and families to demand a fair and decent wage . Please join us Tuesday, January 12th at Noon.
Workers at SLU Hospital need $15 an hour and 15% raise for the vital services and quality care they perform everyday. Those who tend to our loved ones should be able to take care of their own families too.
Join Jobs with Justice and SEIU Healthcare on January 12th, Noon at Saint Louis University Hospital, 3635 Vista Ave, because no one who works in America should live in poverty and all workers should have a voice on the job.

For more information, or to RSVP, contact

Saturday, January 9, 2016

The Oath Keeper Who Wants to Arm Black Lives Matter | Rolling Stone

The Oath Keeper Who Wants to Arm Black Lives Matter | Rolling Stone:

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few days after talking with the protesters in Ferguson, Andrews placed a call to Steven Homan, the Oath Keepers' national vice president. "I said, 'Here's the deal: We need to have an open-carry march in Ferguson,'" he recalls. "'We need 50 black people, all of them armed with rifles, and the Oath Keepers marching right beside them.'"
Homan, a Vietnam veteran who lives in Nebraska, told Andrews that he had to run the plan past Stewart Rhodes, who was camping in Montana at the time. He also said that instead of rushing into the march, he preferred to send a team of Oath Keeper experts to Ferguson to train the local residents in gun-safety skills and Second Amendment rights.

Read more:
Follow us: @rollingstone on Twitter | RollingStone on Facebook


just what St. Louis needs, more armed lunitics

Polls Don't Lie, Trump Would Get BERNED!!!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

TransCanada Files Lawsuit Against U.S. Over Rejection of Keystone XL Pipeline

TransCanada Files Lawsuit Against U.S. Over Rejection of Keystone XL Pipeline:

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TransCanada Corp. says it will initiate a claim under the North American Free Trade Agreement and seek more than $15-billion (U.S.) in damages in response to the U.S. government's decision to deny a permit for the controversial Keystone XL pipeline. TransCanada said Wednesday it has also has filed a lawsuit in the U.S. Federal Court in Houston asserting that U.S. President Barack Obama's decision to deny construction of the $8-billion project exceeded his power under the U.S. Constitution… On Wednesday, TransCanada said the $15-billion claim it will make through its NAFTA action represents the initial estimated loss of value of TransCanada's investments. "TransCanada has invested billions of dollars in assets that have now been rendered useless for the intended purpose, specifically the transportation of Canadian and American oil—as outlined in our contracts. The preliminary damages figure for the NAFTA claim takes into account the lost value of these investments, as well as the lost economic return."
Not to mention the sunk cost of all those eminent domain claims through which TransCanada tried 
note, this case will not be heard by American judges

Networks Punt On ObamaCare Repeal, Planned Parenthood Vote Passing Congress

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Red Army Choir, "Sixteen Tons"

16 tons is a very popular tune around the world,  universal feelings

scores of singers have done wonders with this classic

Think the big banks should be broken up? You're in good company.

exactly what bernie said yesterday.  this clip is a couple years old

Sunday, January 3, 2016

RAW: Saudi embassy struck by rocket after Sheikh Nimr's execution in Bagdad

utter madness in mid east.  I thought ISIS was top enemy of both.  America should beware

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Capitol Steps - This Land's Not Your Land

Ain't No Pipeline, Now It's Gone - Capitol Steps

with lawsuits filed in federal court and nafta tribun---its back

George Bush Sings "Jeb is Ready. He's My Brother" (Capitol Steps Parody)

Embattled Hymn of the Republicans (The Capitol Steps)

U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri a report card 2015

U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri:



2015 was a year that showed—even in a time when gridlock and paralysis seems like the norm in Congress—Claire gets things done for Missouri.
What did a year of action look like for Claire? It looked like…
Serving as an independent voice for Missouri…
1. Was ranked among the most independent Senators in likelihood to vote against her own party
Expanding job opportunities for Missourians…
2. Capping a two-year effort, successfully passed into law bipartisan legislation to boost job opportunities by reforming federal permitting—a plan praised by the Missouri and U.S. Chambers of Commerce as “a real breath of fresh air for infrastructure around the country”
Protecting Missouri consumers…
4. Announced a bipartisan Senate investigation into pharmaceutical drug pricing, following a series of dramatic drug price increases, and co-chaired the first in a series of hearings on dramatic drug price increases
Listening to Missourians and bringing their feedback to the Senate…
5. Launched a Missouri Agriculture Tour to farms, ranches, research facilities, and energy producers across the state that help make up Missouri’s vibrant agriculture economy—and held a series ofSenior Listening Sessions in communities across Missouri to hear directly from seniors on issues facing older Americans

Friday, January 1, 2016

Illinois licenses, IDs no longer federally compliant under Real ID rules |

Illinois licenses, IDs no longer federally compliant under Real ID rules |

click link for story

note, missouri is in same boat.  passports anyone?

2016 Initiative Petitions Approved for Circulation in Missouri

2016 Initiative Petitions Approved for Circulation in Missouri:


note;  scores of changes proposed,  few good, some terrible and some horrible and note, not all will make it to the polling places

Missouri's social safety net shrinking with new laws

Missouri's social safety net shrinking with new laws:

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JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) - Missouri's social safety net is shrinking.
New laws taking effect Friday will reduce how long the unemployed can receive benefits and shorten the amount of time that low-income families can get welfare payments.
The limit for jobless benefits will be cut from 20 weeks to 13. The lifetime limit on cash welfare payments will be reduced from 60 months to 45.
Both measures were enacted when the Republican-led Legislature overrode vetoes last year by Democratic Gov. Jay Nixon.
Other laws taking effect with the new year will expand tax breaks for businesses and military retirees and enlarge the living space for dogs at commercial breeders.

Leonard Cohen - Solidarity Forever (The Union Makes Us Strong)

Pete Seeger - What Did You Learn In School?

this is the great problem in schools today, misinformation-myth-bull hockey pass as truth