Friday, May 15, 2009

even more from ED Show on Obama's refjection of single payer options

This is from yesterday's Ed Show. Some issues near and dear mentioned, like Obama's rejection of single payer healthcare and that auto industries vs Wall Street; there seems to be a double standard. Good to know the president is siding with corporate special interests on healthcare and break up the UAW so early in his administration.

I wonder if I can get a refund of monies donated to his campaign, "Change We Can Believe IN" ?
"One Term" Obama, I kinda like that.


I wonder what number flip-flop this makes for Obama or do we lump it into the general upholding of corporate interests over the American people catagory?

Thank you folks at "ED SHOW" for following this story. Most of the media has long ago abandoned single payer healthcare for their ad-master folks no doubt feel that to cover the story would cost coprotate sponsor monies.


This is his story yesterday on Auto double standards. Yes, Obama folks and congress seem a little more disposed to favor Wall Street and the hell with the workers and people. Another "Change you can Believe"

I wonder how the dems believe their reelection assured with so many displaced autoworkers, steelworkers and probably displaced machinists shortly?


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