You tube has this little snip of Obama making reference to single payer health system. During the election, Obama moved back and forth on the issue.
Folks at Soar 11-3 are going to hold Obama accountable for the following, his support of single payer healthcare. So far, with the excluding of single-payer folks from his healthcare summits and the latest snap in congress; we are not amused.
One hopes this upcoming Tuesday, the senate allows the single-payer folks to attend. Mr. Bauchus "respects" us, but let's see if he allows access to his Bannana Republic hearings (note, Mr Bauchus had cops remove single-payer folks and told folks we need "more cops". In the meantime, the phone number for the committee is (202) 224-4515.
Call their office, leave a message to allow single-payer folks a seat at the table (as was promised)
Also, remember that May 30th is the nationwide action day for healthcare. Call the folks in power and let them know your position.
Mr C Bond, senator: phone dc: (202) 224-5721 and St. Louis: (314) 725-4484
his Cape Girardeau Office is: (573) 334-7044
Ms Claire McCaskill: phone dc: (202) 224-6154 and St. Louis: 314-367-1364
her Cape Girardeaus Office: 573-651-0964
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