Some folks follow Missouri politics. This is the most recient GOP blockage of Medicaid in the state. Too bad our prisons are full, a few in the statehouse could benefit from the experience and stay. We the citizens would most certainly benefit.
Posted on Fri, May. 08, 2009
Bill’s defeat another bitter pill for Missouri’s poor
The Missouri legislature is about to cost the state a golden opportunity.
Because of intransigence by House Republicans, a deal that would enable 35,000 low-income citizens to obtain health insurance at no cost to state government is on the ropes.
Along with the relief it would bring to families, the deal would mean fewer uninsured patients in hospital emergency rooms, where medical care is costliest.
It would mean lower health insurance premiums for workers and employers, as hospitals and doctors would have fewer reasons to pass on the burden of uninsured care.
But by an 85-75 vote, almost entirely along party lines, the House this week refused an offer by Missouri hospitals to pay the state an additional $52.5 million a year. The money would come from federal funds that hospitals receive for treating uninsured patients.
By accepting the hospitals’ money, Missouri would qualify for $93 million a year in extra federal health funds.
While the Senate passed a bill to make use of what amounts to a $145.5 million-a-year gift, House Republicans balked. In a stormy debate, GOP members made clear their distaste for helping low-income Missourians with health care, which they repeatedly referred to as “welfare.” Their argument is uncharitable and foolish.
The proposal that Gov. Jay Nixon’s administration worked out with the Missouri Hospital Association would have offered Medicaid benefits to parents who earn up to 50 percent of the poverty level.
That amounts to an annual income of $11,025 for a family of four. Employer-provided health care at that salary level is scarce, and private health insurance is out of reach.
The legislature has one week to come up with an alternate plan that would enable the state to make use of the funds offered by the hospitals.
Any plan must make health care more accessible to low-income Missourians. The House just turned down a straightforward proposal to accomplish that.
House Republicans will be to blame if the session ends with the state forgoing $145.5 million, and 35,000 persons are left without hope of medical insurance.
© 2009 Kansas City Star and wire service sources. All Rights Reserved.
in short, GOP in Missouri are telling some of the citizens: "Drop Dead" The proud tradition of the GOP in this state was to turn down about a billion dollars of federal healthcare monies during the last governor's term. They should hold their heads high by allowing fellow citizens to die and children to suffer.
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